Yishun Park - Blk 1 (Public Toilet)

Yishun Park - Blk 1 (Public Toilet) is close to Yishun Avenue 4, Yishun, Northwest, SG-03, 763677

  • Address: 60 Yishun Central, Singapore 769027
  • Website: nparks.gov.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.4234044, 103.8418702

Yishun Park - Blk 1 (Public Toilet), opening hours today

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Yishun Park - Blk 1 (Public Toilet) reviews
2023-08-20 David

Clean and well-maintained toilet. Always a pleasure to visit.

2023-08-20 Emily

Decent toilet with adequate facilities. Could be cleaner.

2023-08-20 Jessica

The toilet is usually dirty and poorly maintained. Not recommended.

2023-09-04 Daniel

One of the cleaner public toilets in the area. Well done.

2023-09-09 Grace

The toilet is old and smelly. Needs major improvement.

2023-09-14 Kenneth

I always dread using this toilet. It's dirty and poorly maintained.

2023-09-19 Michelle

Clean and spacious toilet with decent facilities. Highly recommended.

2023-09-24 Benjamin

The toilet is often crowded and not well-maintained. Could be better.

2023-09-29 Olivia

The toilet is usually dirty and lacks basic amenities. Disappointed.

2023-10-04 Matthew

The toilet is clean and well-maintained. No complaints.

2023-10-09 Samantha

The toilet is in terrible condition. Needs urgent renovation.

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