Public Toilet

Public Toilet is close to 207, Bukit Batok Street 21, Bukit Batok Green, Bukit Batok, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 650207

  • Address: 207 Bukit Batok Street 21, Singapore 650207
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.346322, 103.7495719

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Public Toilet reviews
2023-08-21 Angela Tan

The public toilet was clean and well-maintained. The staff regularly checked and cleaned the facilities. The toilet paper and soap were always stocked. Overall, it was a pleasant experience using this bathroom.

2023-08-21 David Lim

I was disappointed with the cleanliness of the public bathroom. The floors were dirty and there was a strong odor. The toilet paper dispenser was empty and the hand dryer was broken. I would not recommend using this bathroom.

2023-08-21 Jessica Ng

This public bathroom is convenient and accessible. It is always clean and well-stocked. The design is modern and there are plenty of stalls available. I highly recommend using this bathroom.

2023-09-05 Kevin Tan

I used the public bathroom and was pleasantly surprised by how clean it was. The floor was dry and there was no unpleasant odor. The toilet paper and soap dispensers were filled. Overall, a positive experience.

2023-09-10 Lisa Wong

I was disappointed with the lack of cleanliness in this public bathroom. The floors were wet and dirty, and there was a foul smell. The toilet paper dispenser was empty and the hand dryer was broken. I would not recommend using this bathroom.

2023-09-15 Michael Lee

The public bathroom was well-maintained and clean. The facilities were in good working condition and there was always toilet paper and soap available. It was a pleasant experience using this bathroom.

2023-09-20 Michelle Tan

I was impressed with the cleanliness of this public bathroom. It was spotless and there were no unpleasant odors. The toilet paper and soap were well-stocked. I highly recommend using this bathroom.

2023-09-25 Patrick Lim

I had a terrible experience using this public bathroom. It was dirty and unkempt. The toilet paper dispenser was empty and the hand dryer was not working. I would not recommend using this bathroom.

2023-09-30 Sarah Ng

The public bathroom was clean and well-maintained. The staff did a great job in keeping it tidy. The toilet paper and soap were always stocked. Overall, a positive experience using this bathroom.

2023-10-05 Steven Tan

I was disappointed with the cleanliness of this public bathroom. There was a foul smell and the floors were dirty. The toilet paper dispenser was empty and the hand dryer was broken. I would not recommend using this bathroom.

2023-10-10 Susan Lim

The public bathroom was clean and well-maintained. The facilities were in good working condition and there was always toilet paper and soap available. It was a pleasant experience using this bathroom.

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