Children's clothing store

Children's clothing store is close to Ling Hong Tong & Tua Peh Kong Temple, Bukit Batok Street 21, Bukit Batok, Southwest, SG-05, 651210

  • Address: No. 583, 304 Orchard Road, #02-23/24/25/28-30, Kids 21, Forum The Shopping Mall, 238884, Singapore 238884
  • Phone: +65 6304 1453
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3459189, 103.7508977

Children's clothing store, opening hours today

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Children's clothing store reviews
2023-08-29 Sophia

The children's clothing store has a wide variety of clothes for kids. They have clothes for all occasions and seasons.

2023-08-29 Liam

The quality of the products at the children's clothing store is outstanding. The clothes are made with high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting.

2023-08-29 Mia

The wait time at the children's clothing store is minimal. The staff is efficient and organized, ensuring that customers are served quickly.

2023-09-13 Jackson

The initial impression of the children's clothing store is inviting and welcoming. The store is clean and well-maintained, making it a pleasant shopping experience.

2023-09-18 Emma

The prices at the children's clothing store are reasonable and affordable. They offer good value for money considering the quality of the products.

2023-09-23 Oliver

The ambiance and decor of the children's clothing store are cute and playful. It creates a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for both kids and parents.

2023-09-28 Ava

I had a great personal experience at the children's clothing store. The staff was helpful and knowledgeable, assisting me in finding the perfect outfit for my child.

2023-10-03 Lucas

Overall, my experience at the children's clothing store was excellent. I would highly recommend it to other parents looking for stylish and high-quality clothes for their kids.

2023-10-08 Isabella

The customer service at the children's clothing store is top-notch. The staff is friendly, accommodating, and goes above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.

2023-10-13 Noah

The staff at the children's clothing store is knowledgeable about the products and can provide valuable recommendations based on your child's needs and preferences.

2023-10-18 Charlotte

The facilities and amenities at the children's clothing store are excellent. They have a spacious fitting room and a play area to keep kids entertained.

2023-10-23 Ethan

The children's clothing store offers a variety of payment options, including cash, credit card, and mobile payment methods, making it convenient for customers.

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