Basketball and Futsal Court

Basketball and Futsal Court is close to Craig Road, Chinatown, Outram, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 089680

  • Address: Yan Kit Rd, Singapore
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.2775433, 103.8422115

Basketball and Futsal Court, opening hours today

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Basketball and Futsal Court reviews
2023-08-31 Samantha

The wait time for the basketball court was quite long. I had to wait for almost an hour before I could play. It would be better if they have a reservation system to manage the crowd better.

2023-08-31 John

The facilities at the basketball court were well-maintained. The court was clean and the hoops were in good condition. They also provided balls for us to use. Overall, I was satisfied with the amenities.

2023-08-31 Michelle

I had a great overall experience at the basketball court. The staff were friendly and accommodating. The court was also spacious and allowed for a good game. I would definitely come back again.

2023-09-15 David

The value for money at the basketball court was decent. The rates were affordable and reasonable for the facilities provided. I was able to enjoy a good game without breaking the bank.

2023-09-20 Karen

I had an amazing personal experience at the basketball court. I was able to showcase my skills and play with other passionate players. It was a great way to improve my game.

2023-09-25 Benjamin

The customer service at the basketball court was top-notch. The staff were helpful and attentive to our needs. They ensured that we had a smooth and enjoyable experience.

2023-09-30 Rachel

My initial impression of the basketball court was positive. The court was well-maintained and looked inviting. The atmosphere was also lively and energetic.

2023-10-05 Joshua

The ambiance and decor at the basketball court were great. The court had a modern and sleek design, which added to the overall experience. It was a cool and trendy place to play basketball.

2023-10-10 Sophia

The quality of the products and services at the basketball court was excellent. The balls were of good quality and the court was well-equipped. I had a smooth and enjoyable game.

2023-10-15 Daniel

The wait time for the basketball court was a bit long, but the facilities made up for it. The court was clean and well-maintained. The amenities provided were also sufficient.

2023-10-20 Emily

I had a good overall experience at the basketball court. The staff were friendly and the court was well-maintained. I enjoyed playing there.

2023-10-25 Ryan

The value for money at the basketball court was great. The rates were affordable and the facilities provided were good. I had a fun game without spending too much.

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