Assisted Living Pte. Ltd.

Assisted Living Pte. Ltd. is close to Toa Payoh Polyclinic, 2003, Lorong 8 Toa Payoh, Toa Payoh, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 319260

  • Address: 801 Lor 7 Toa Payoh, Singapore 319319
  • Phone: +65 6442 9078
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3347303, 103.8584561

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Assisted Living Pte. Ltd. reviews
2023-08-29 John

The customer service at Assisted Living Pharmacy is exceptional. The staff is always friendly, knowledgeable, and willing to go above and beyond to help. I have never had a bad experience with them.

2023-08-29 Mary

The ambiance and decor at Assisted Living Pharmacy is very clean and modern. The store is well-organized and easy to navigate. It feels like a professional establishment.

2023-08-29 Chris

My initial impression of Assisted Living Pharmacy was very positive. The staff greeted me warmly and made me feel welcome. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful.

2023-09-13 Emily

The quality of products at Assisted Living Pharmacy is top-notch. I have always been satisfied with the medications and other items I have purchased from them. I trust that they are safe and reliable.

2023-09-18 Tom

Overall, my experience at Assisted Living Pharmacy has been excellent. The staff is friendly and helpful, the store is clean and well-stocked, and the service is fast and efficient. I would highly recommend this pharmacy.

2023-09-23 Jessica

The value for money at Assisted Living Pharmacy is reasonable. The prices are competitive with other pharmacies in the area, and I feel like I am getting good quality products for what I pay.

2023-09-28 David

The facilities and amenities at Assisted Living Pharmacy are top-notch. The store is spacious and well-designed, with plenty of seating areas and a comfortable waiting area. They also have a private consultation room for more intimate discussions.

2023-10-03 Sarah

I have had several personal experiences at Assisted Living Pharmacy, and I have always been impressed with the level of care and attention I receive. The staff takes the time to answer my questions and address any concerns I may have. I appreciate their personalized approach.

2023-10-08 Michael

The wait time at Assisted Living Pharmacy is generally short. I have never had to wait more than a few minutes to pick up my prescriptions or ask for assistance. They seem to have a good system in place to keep things moving smoothly.

2023-10-13 Laura

I have never had to make a reservation at Assisted Living Pharmacy. Whenever I need to visit, I can simply walk in and be helped right away. I appreciate the convenience of not having to plan ahead.

2023-10-18 Daniel

The customer service at Assisted Living Pharmacy is very good. The staff is friendly and helpful, and they always make sure I have everything I need before I leave the store. They also offer delivery services, which is convenient.

2023-10-23 Sophia

The ambiance and decor at Assisted Living Pharmacy is cozy and inviting. The store is well-lit and clean, and there is a comfortable seating area for customers to relax while they wait. It doesn't feel like a typical pharmacy.

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