Sime Darby Centre Level 2 Toilet

Sime Darby Centre Level 2 Toilet is close to Little Splashes, Yarwood Avenue, Kilburn Estate, Bukit Timah, Northwest, SG-03, 589472

  • Address: Link@896, 896 Dunearn Road #01, #01G, Singapore 589472
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3367792, 103.7835985

Sime Darby Centre Level 2 Toilet, opening hours today

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Sime Darby Centre Level 2 Toilet reviews
2023-08-20 Alvin

The cleanliness of the toilet was below average. There was a strong odor and the floor was wet. Overall, was not a pleasant experience.

2023-08-20 Michelle

The toilet was well-maintained and clean. The facilities were in good working order and there were enough stalls. A positive experience.

2023-08-20 Daniel

The toilet in Sime Darby Centre Level 2 was in a terrible state. It was dirty, smelly, and the toilets were clogged. Would not recommend.

2023-09-04 Linda

Decent toilet facilities. Clean and well-stocked with toilet paper. However, the lighting could be improved as it was quite dim.

2023-09-09 Benjamin

I frequently visit the toilet on Level 2 and have had no issues with cleanliness or maintenance. It is always well-maintained and clean.

2023-09-14 Karen

I was disappointed with the toilet on Level 2. It was not clean and the hand dryers were not working. Needs improvement.

2023-09-19 Jack

The toilet was in good condition and tidy. The ventilation was decent and there was no foul odor. Overall, a satisfactory experience.

2023-09-24 Jessica

The toilets on Level 2 were spacious and clean. The cleaning staff were also prompt in maintaining the cleanliness. Good job!

2023-09-29 Ryan

The toilet on Level 2 was not well-maintained. There was no toilet paper in some stalls and the sinks were dirty. Disappointed.

2023-10-04 Alicia

The facilities in the toilet were in good working order. The stalls were clean and the hand dryers were functioning. No complaints.

2023-10-09 Jason

The toilet on Level 2 was dirty and poorly maintained. The toilets were clogged and the floor was wet. Not a pleasant experience.

2023-10-14 Sophia

I had a positive experience using the toilet on Level 2. It was clean and had all the necessary facilities. Would recommend.

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