Anytime Fitness Bukit Timah

Anytime Fitness Bukit Timah is close to Bukit Timah Shopping Center, 170, Upper Bukit Timah Road, Hillview, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 588179

  • Address: 170 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, #B1-01 Shopping Centre, Singapore 588179
  • Phone: +65 8129 0889
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3431494, 103.7758519

Anytime Fitness Bukit Timah, opening hours today

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Anytime Fitness Bukit Timah reviews

3 half-racks. 1 Smith machine. 1 oly platform. Very very old rubberized weights. No decent bars. Pretty warm gym without decent ventilation. Ho-hum...

Equipments are old. Worse part is that this place is like a gangster paradise in the evening with those punks talking loudly and slamming the equipments like they are in some hulk training. Catch them in their crocs and slippers too.

i like the space bc it’s spacious and well equipped but please please replace the rusty barbells and machines :-( they’re very hard to operate and slide the plates on

2023-08-31 John

The gym is not well-maintained. The equipments are old and there are no decent bars. The ventilation is poor and it gets pretty warm inside. The atmosphere is not great.

2023-08-31 Lisa

This gym is like a gangster paradise in the evening. There are punks talking loudly and slamming the equipments. They even wear crocs and slippers. It's not a pleasant environment.

2023-08-31 Sarah

The gym is spacious and well-equipped, but the barbells and machines are rusty and difficult to operate. They need to be replaced.

2023-09-15 Mike

I had a ho-hum experience at this gym. The equipment is old and the weights are worn out. The ventilation is poor and it gets too warm. Not a great atmosphere.

2023-09-20 Amy

The gym is spacious and well-equipped, but the equipment is old and the weights are worn out. The barbells are rusty and difficult to use. They need to be replaced.

2023-09-25 David

I had a terrible experience at this gym. The equipment is old and poorly maintained. The atmosphere is unpleasant with loud individuals and equipment slamming. Not worth the money.

2023-09-30 Emily

The gym has a decent atmosphere and a good range of equipment. However, the quality of the products and services is disappointing. The weights are old and the barbells need to be replaced.

2023-10-05 Jason

I had a mediocre experience at this gym. The equipment is old and worn out. The atmosphere is lacking and the ventilation is poor. Not worth the price.

2023-10-15 Daniel

The gym is poorly maintained and the equipment is old and worn out. The atmosphere is not great and there are loud individuals who don't respect the equipment. Not recommended.

2023-10-20 Stephanie

I had a disappointing experience at this gym. The equipment is old and poorly maintained. The atmosphere is not pleasant with loud individuals and equipment slamming. Not worth the money.

2023-10-25 Robert

The gym has a decent atmosphere and a good range of equipment. However, the quality of the products and services is lacking. The weights are old and the barbells need to be replaced.

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