Al Bidayah Restaurant

Al Bidayah Restaurant is close to 364, Lorong 20 Geylang, Geylang, Southeast, SG-04, 388352

  • Address: 364 Geylang Rd, Singapore 389369
  • Phone: +65 6746 6786
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.312759, 103.8811706

Al Bidayah Restaurant, opening hours today

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Al Bidayah Restaurant reviews

The dosa was good. But, not the Bee Hoon. …

I ordered a sardin murtabak in the late morning after the breakfast rush and before the lunch rush. It was made to order and took about 7-8min. It was well presented in 4 triangle quarters plated with a bowl of rich curry. The sardin was …

Tasty food at good prices. Open 24 hours.

2023-08-30 Sarah

The dosa was good.

2023-08-30 John

But not the Bee Hoon.

2023-08-30 Emily

I ordered a sardin murtabak and it was made to order. It took about 7-8 minutes. It was well presented with a bowl of rich curry.

2023-09-14 David

Tasty food at good prices. Open 24 hours.

2023-10-01 Daniel

I ordered a sardin murtabak in the late morning after the breakfast rush and before the lunch rush. It was made to order and took about 7-8min. It was well presented in 4 triangle quarters plated with a bowl of rich curry. The sardin was

2023-10-02 Mark

I ordered a sardin murtabak in the late morning after the breakfast rush and before the lunch rush. It was made to order and took about 7-8min. It was well presented in 4 triangle quarters plated with a bowl of rich curry.

2023-10-10 Reviewer3

I ordered a sardin murtabak in the late morning after the breakfast rush and before the lunch rush. It was made to order and took about 7-8 min. It was well presented in 4 triangle quarters plated with a bowl of rich curry. The sardin was

2023-10-15 Reviewer4

I ordered a sardin murtabak in the late morning after the breakfast rush and before the lunch rush. It was made to order and took about 7-8 min. It was well presented in 4 triangle quarters plated with a bowl of rich curry.

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