#01-47 Fish Store

#01-47 Fish Store is close to 112, Jalan Bukit Merah, Radin Mas, Bukit Merah, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 160111

  • Address: 112 Jalan Bukit Merah, #01-23, #01-47 112 Bukit Merah Market & Food Centre, Singapore 160112
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.2802194, 103.8260865

#01-47 Fish Store, opening hours today

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#01-47 Fish Store reviews
2023-08-29 Alice

The fish store has a great ambiance and decor. The interior is clean and modern, and the tanks are well-maintained. It creates a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere for shopping for fish.

2023-08-29 Bob

The facilities at the fish store are top-notch. They have a wide selection of fish tanks, filters, and other accessories. The store is well-stocked and organized, making it easy to find what you need.

2023-08-29 Charlie

Overall, my experience at the fish store was excellent. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable, and they helped me choose the perfect fish for my tank. The store had a great variety of fish to choose from, and they were all healthy and well-cared for.

2023-09-13 David

The quality of the fish and products at the store is exceptional. The fish are vibrant and healthy, and the store carries a wide variety of fish species. They also have a great selection of fish food and equipment.

2023-09-18 Emily

The wait time at the fish store was minimal. The staff were efficient and helped me quickly find the fish I was looking for. I didn't have to wait long to check out either.

2023-09-23 Frank

I made a reservation at the fish store for a specific fish that I wanted, and they had it ready for me when I arrived. The reservation process was quick and easy, and it ensured that I got the fish I wanted without any hassle.

2023-09-28 Grace

My personal experience at the fish store was fantastic. The staff were friendly and helpful, and they answered all of my questions. They even gave me some tips on how to care for my new fish.

2023-10-03 Henry

The value for money at the fish store is good. The prices are reasonable for the quality of the fish and products. I feel like I got a great deal on the fish and accessories I purchased.

2023-10-08 Isabella

The customer service at the fish store is outstanding. The staff are attentive and go above and beyond to help you find what you need. They are knowledgeable about fish care and are always willing to give advice.

2023-10-13 Jack

My initial impression of the fish store was positive. The store is clean and well-organized, and the staff are welcoming. The atmosphere is relaxed and inviting, making it a pleasant place to shop for fish.

2023-10-18 Kelly

The fish store has a great ambiance and decor. The tanks are beautifully decorated and the fish are displayed in a visually appealing way. It feels like a serene and peaceful environment.

2023-10-23 Liam

The facilities at the fish store are top-notch. They have a wide range of fish tanks and accessories to choose from. The store is clean and well-maintained, creating a pleasant shopping experience.

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