#01-236 Chettinad Specialist Veg & Non-Veg Indian Food

#01-236 Chettinad Specialist Veg & Non-Veg Indian Food is close to Tekka Centre, 665, Buffalo Road, Little India, Rochor, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 210665

  • Address: Bukit Timah Rd, #01-236 Tekka Center, Singapore
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3060718, 103.8508887

#01-236 Chettinad Specialist Veg & Non-Veg Indian Food, opening hours today

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#01-236 Chettinad Specialist Veg & Non-Veg Indian Food reviews

Totally worsted. Waste of money. No taste. Before nice taste. I want to try today. Totally wasted. I think to eat nice briyani today ???? …

Good food, the masala chetinad chicken always cooked to perfection.

Masala Chettinad Chicken. Delicious!

2023-09-15 Tanisha

Totally worsted. Waste of money. No taste. Before nice taste. I want to try today. Totally wasted. I think to eat nice briyani today ????

2023-09-15 Shawn

Good food, the masala chetinad chicken always cooked to perfection.

2023-09-15 Amelia

Masala Chettinad Chicken. Delicious!

2023-09-25 Reviewer1

Totally worsted. Waste of money. No taste. Before nice taste. I want to try today. Totally wasted. I think to eat nice briyani today ????.

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