Yuan Ching Secondary School

Yuan Ching Secondary School is close to Yuan Ching Secondary School, 103, Yuan Ching Road, Jurong West, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 618654

  • Address: 103 Yuan Ching Rd, Singapore 618654
  • Phone: +65 6261 2489
  • Website: yuanchingsec.moe.edu.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.34168, 103.7200992

Yuan Ching Secondary School, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 7:30 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM 6 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM 6 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM 6 PM for the week
Friday 7:30 AM 6 PM
Yuan Ching Secondary School reviews

I lost my toy duck Royan and it was rather sad.

Very accessible by MRT at lakeside station.Superb.10/10 would rex

耘青中学 Yuan Ching Secondary School A walking distance from lakeside MRT station. …

2023-08-21 John

I lost my toy duck Royan and it was rather sad.

2023-08-21 Samantha

Very accessible by MRT at lakeside station. Superb. 10/10 would rex

2023-08-21 Emily

Yuan Ching Secondary School is a walking distance from lakeside MRT station.

2023-09-05 Michael

The teachers are very supportive and dedicated.

2023-09-10 Michelle

The school has a wide range of co-curricular activities for students to choose from.

2023-09-15 Daniel

The facilities in the school are well-maintained and clean.

2023-09-20 Sophia

The school has a strong academic program with dedicated teachers.

2023-09-25 William

The school provides a safe and inclusive environment for students.

2023-09-30 Olivia

The school has a vibrant and supportive community.

2023-10-05 Liam

The school organizes various events and activities to promote student engagement.

2023-10-10 Ava

The school offers a wide range of subject choices for students.

2023-10-15 Noah

The school has a strong focus on character development and values education.

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