Young Hearts Lingerie - Plaza Singapura

Young Hearts Lingerie - Plaza Singapura is close to Plaza Singapura, 68, Orchard Road, Museum, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 238839

  • Address: 68 Orchard Road B1, #35 Plaza Singapura, Singapore 238839
  • Phone: +65 6884 6137
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3005518, 103.8452421

Young Hearts Lingerie - Plaza Singapura, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 11:30 AM 9 PM
Monday 11:30 AM 8 PM
Tuesday 11:30 AM 8 PM
Wednesday 11:30 AM 8 PM
Thursday 11:30 AM 8 PM for the week
Friday 11:30 AM 9 PM
Saturday 11:30 AM 9 PM
Young Hearts Lingerie - Plaza Singapura reviews

Salesperson give me free mask when I lost mine, super nice shopkeeper <3

Sales person was dam rude when enquiry on products.

2023-09-12 Michelle

The salesperson gave me a free mask when I lost mine. They were super nice. <3

2023-09-12 Andrew

The salesperson was rude when I asked about the products.

2023-09-12 Jessica

The quality of the products is great and worth the money.

2023-09-27 David

The ambiance and decor of the store is fantastic.

2023-10-02 Sarah

The customer service and staff were friendly and helpful.

2023-10-07 Eric

The store had facilities and amenities that made shopping comfortable.

2023-10-12 Emily

Overall, my experience at Young Hearts Lingerie was great.

2023-10-17 Benjamin

The wait time was minimal and I didn't have to make any reservations.

2023-10-22 Sophia

The initial impression and atmosphere of the store was welcoming.

How would you rate your experience? Young Hearts Lingerie - Plaza Singapura?
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