Yap Chai Lack Farming Co

Yap Chai Lack Farming Co is close to 3020, Ubi Avenue 2, Kampong Ubi Industrial Estate, Geylang, Singapore, Southeast, SG-04, 408896

  • Address: 3020 Ubi Ave 2, #01-103, Singapore 408896
  • Phone: +65 6742 1380
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.327813, 103.8930662

Yap Chai Lack Farming Co, opening hours today

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Yap Chai Lack Farming Co reviews

My mother and relatives preferred their Roast Duck which is tender and juicy and often come here to purchase Roast Duck $18, Roast Chicken $15 and Roast Crackling Pork $22 half a kilo for praying. …

Came here to pick up a Roasted Duck ($18) and a half kg of Roasted Pork ($12) for the Father's Day weekend this 2022. While the service was not exactly speedy, you could see that the lady doing the cutting up of the meat was doing what I …

Amazing Low prices for roast duck, roasr chicken, roast pork, char siew, suckling pig and bbq pork ribs. The pork ribs are unique to this stall as the other shops don’t serve this dish. Taste wise it’s average and prices are consistent in the whole stretch of wholesalers. Can try them for variety.

2023-08-29 Alice

My mother and relatives preferred their Roast Duck which is tender and juicy and often come here to purchase Roast Duck $18, Roast Chicken $15 and Roast Crackling Pork $22 half a kilo for praying.

2023-08-29 Bob

Came here to pick up a Roasted Duck ($18) and a half kg of Roasted Pork ($12) for the Father's Day weekend this 2022. While the service was not exactly speedy, you could see that the lady doing the cutting up of the meat was doing what I

2023-08-29 Charlie

Amazing Low prices for roast duck, roasr chicken, roast pork, char siew, suckling pig and bbq pork ribs. The pork ribs are unique to this stall as the other shops don’t serve this dish. Taste wise it’s average and prices are consistent in the whole stretch of wholesalers. Can try them for variety.

2023-09-01 Mandy Lim

Amazing Low prices for roast duck, roast chicken, roast pork, char siew, suckling pig and bbq pork ribs. The pork ribs are unique to this stall as the other shops don’t serve this dish. Taste wise it’s average and prices are consistent in the whole stretch of wholesalers. Can try them for variety.

2023-09-17 John

Came here to pick up a Roasted Duck ($18) and a half kg of Roasted Pork ($12) for the Father's Day weekend this 2022. While the service was not exactly speedy, you could see that the lady doing the cutting up of the meat was doing what I.

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