X2 Energy Pte Ltd

X2 Energy Pte Ltd is close to HarbourFront Centre, 2, Maritime Square, Bukit Merah, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 099253

  • Address: 1 Maritime Square, #12-05A Harbourfront Centre, Singapore 099253
  • Phone: +65 6339 7661
  • Website: x2-energy.com
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.2641151, 103.8200188

X2 Energy Pte Ltd, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 9 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 9 AM 6 PM
Wednesday 9 AM 6 PM
Thursday 9 AM 6 PM for the week
Friday 9 AM 6 PM
X2 Energy Pte Ltd reviews
2023-09-13 Jasmine

X2 Energy provides excellent value for money. Their energy equipment and solutions are reasonably priced and offer great performance.

2023-09-13 Benjamin

The quality of products and services offered by X2 Energy is top-notch. Their equipment is durable and reliable, and their solutions are effective.

2023-09-13 Serena

X2 Energy has modern and well-maintained facilities and amenities. Their equipment is always in good working condition and their solutions are up to date.

2023-09-28 Joshua

My initial impression and atmosphere at X2 Energy was positive. The staff were friendly and welcoming, and the overall atmosphere was professional.

2023-10-03 Evelyn

The ambiance and decor at X2 Energy is clean and modern. The facilities are well-designed and the overall atmosphere is conducive for work.

2023-10-08 Daniel

I had a great personal experience with X2 Energy. Their energy solutions helped me reduce my energy consumption and save money on my bills.

2023-10-13 Amy

My overall experience with X2 Energy was excellent. Their energy equipment and solutions exceeded my expectations and I would highly recommend them.

2023-10-18 Ryan

The wait time at X2 Energy was minimal. I was able to get assistance and information quickly without any delays.

2023-10-23 Michelle

I made reservations prior to visiting X2 Energy and they were able to accommodate my request. The staff were courteous and helpful.

2023-10-28 Brandon

The customer service at X2 Energy is top-notch. The staff are knowledgeable and always ready to assist with any inquiries or concerns.

2023-11-06 Liam

They have a wide range of energy equipment options to choose from. The prices are reasonable and the equipment is of high quality.

2023-11-11 Emma

The energy solutions offered by X2 Energy have greatly improved the efficiency of my business operations. I am very satisfied with their services.

How would you rate your experience? X2 Energy Pte Ltd?
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