Wu Tai Shan Temple

Wu Tai Shan Temple is close to Wu Tai Shan Buddist Temple, 151, West Coast Road, The Clementview, Clementi, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 129605

  • Address: 151 West Coast Rd, Singapore 127369
  • Phone: +65 6776 0833
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3032441, 103.7646258

Wu Tai Shan Temple, opening hours today

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Wu Tai Shan Temple reviews

Peaceful place of tranquility. Many motorcycle ???????????? are daily parked at the entrance and along the footpath illegally, which spoils the beautiful architectural view ???? of disorderness . …

I've been to the Wutai shan. when the covid 19 is over for a few years. …

Good scenic temple

2023-08-28 John

Peaceful place of tranquility. Many motorcycle are daily parked at the entrance and along the footpath illegally, which spoils the beautiful architectural view of disorder

2023-08-28 Emily

I've been to the Wutai shan. when the covid 19 is over for a few years

2023-08-28 David

Good scenic temple

2023-09-12 Sarah

The temple has a peaceful atmosphere and beautiful surroundings. The staff were friendly and helpful. I enjoyed my visit

2023-09-17 Michael

The temple is well-maintained and has a serene ambiance. I would highly recommend visiting

2023-09-22 Grace

I found the temple to be a place of inner peace and reflection. The architecture is stunning and the grounds are well-kept

2023-09-27 Daniel

I was disappointed to see motorcycles parked illegally near the entrance. It takes away from the overall experience of the temple

2023-10-02 Sophia

I had a wonderful experience at the temple. The staff were welcoming and the temple itself is a beautiful place to visit

2023-10-07 Matthew

The temple is a hidden gem. It offers a peaceful escape from the city and the architecture is breathtaking

2023-10-12 Olivia

I was not impressed with the temple. The staff were not very friendly and the temple itself was not well-maintained

2023-10-17 Emma

The temple is a great place to meditate and find inner peace. The grounds are well-kept and the staff are friendly

2023-10-22 Jack

I had a mixed experience at the temple. While the temple itself is beautiful, I was disappointed by the presence of illegally parked motorcycles

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