Vision Ailanthus Pte Ltd

Vision Ailanthus Pte Ltd is close to 210, Hougang Street 21, Hougang, Singapore, Northeast, SG-02, 530211

  • Address: 210 Hougang St 21, #01-247, Singapore 530210
  • Phone: +65 6280 8827
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3594942, 103.887077

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Vision Ailanthus Pte Ltd reviews
2023-09-06 Eleanor

The movie rental kiosk had a wide selection of movies available. The facilities were clean and well-maintained. Overall, it was a convenient and enjoyable experience.

2023-09-06 Isaac

The staff at the movie rental kiosk were friendly and helpful. They assisted me in finding a specific movie and gave recommendations. The customer service was excellent.

2023-09-06 Liam

The ambiance and decor of the movie rental kiosk were modern and inviting. It created a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere for browsing and selecting movies.

2023-09-21 Amelia

The value for money at the movie rental kiosk was reasonable. The rental prices were affordable and there were often promotions and discounts available.

2023-09-26 Oliver

My overall experience at the movie rental kiosk was great. The process of renting a movie was quick and easy. The kiosk was conveniently located near my home.

2023-10-01 Sophia

My initial impression of the movie rental kiosk was positive. The kiosk was clean and well-organized. The selection of movies was impressive.

2023-10-06 Aiden

The wait time at the movie rental kiosk was minimal. I never had to wait long to rent a movie. It was a quick and efficient process.

2023-10-11 Mia

The quality of the movies at the rental kiosk was excellent. The DVDs were in good condition and there were no playback issues. I was satisfied with the selection and quality.

2023-10-16 Lucas

I had a positive personal experience at the movie rental kiosk. The staff was helpful and I found a great movie to watch. I would recommend the kiosk to others.

2023-10-21 Ava

The movie rental kiosk had a convenient online reservation system. I could reserve a movie in advance and pick it up at my leisure. It saved me time and ensured the movie I wanted was available.

2023-10-26 Benjamin

The facilities at the movie rental kiosk were clean and well-maintained. The kiosk was spacious and had a comfortable seating area. It was a pleasant environment.

2023-10-31 Emily

The customer service at the movie rental kiosk was excellent. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable. They provided recommendations and made the experience enjoyable.

How would you rate your experience? Vision Ailanthus Pte Ltd?
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