Visa Grab

Visa Grab is close to United Square, 101, Thomson Road, Novena, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 307591

  • Address: 101 Thomson Rd, United Square, Singapore 307591
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3171474, 103.8435716

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Visa Grab reviews
2023-08-30 Eric

The wait time was not too long, and I was able to make a reservation easily. Overall, my experience with Visa Grab Visa consultant was positive.

2023-08-30 Karen

I had a great experience with Visa Grab Visa consultant. The staff was friendly and helpful, and the ambiance and decor of the office were nice. The quality of the services provided was also excellent. I would highly recommend this company.

2023-08-30 Daniel

My personal experience with Visa Grab Visa consultant was disappointing. The staff was not very knowledgeable and the wait time was extremely long. I would not recommend this company.

2023-09-14 Sarah

The initial impression and atmosphere of Visa Grab Visa consultant were not very impressive. The office was small and cramped, and the decor was outdated. However, the staff was friendly and the quality of the services provided was good.

2023-09-19 Jonathan

I found the value for money at Visa Grab Visa consultant to be quite reasonable. The prices were affordable and the services provided were of good quality.

2023-09-24 Emily

The facilities and amenities at Visa Grab Visa consultant were basic but sufficient. The office was clean and well-maintained, and there were comfortable seating areas for clients.

2023-09-29 Michael

I had a great experience with Visa Grab Visa consultant. The staff was professional and knowledgeable, and the services provided were of excellent quality. I would definitely recommend this company to others.

2023-10-04 Jennifer

My personal experience with Visa Grab Visa consultant was frustrating. The staff was unhelpful and the wait time was excessive. I would not recommend this company.

2023-10-09 Christopher

The customer service at Visa Grab Visa consultant was outstanding. The staff was friendly, attentive, and went above and beyond to ensure that my needs were met.

2023-10-14 Jessica

I had a positive overall experience with Visa Grab Visa consultant. The staff was friendly and professional, and the services provided were of good quality. The wait time was also reasonable.

2023-10-19 Patrick

The ambiance and decor of Visa Grab Visa consultant were modern and stylish. The office had a welcoming atmosphere and was nicely decorated.

2023-10-24 Eleanor

I found the quality of the products and services at Visa Grab Visa consultant to be excellent. The staff was knowledgeable and skilled, and the services provided were top-notch.

How would you rate your experience? Visa Grab?
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