United Pawnshop - Bukit Batok Branch

United Pawnshop - Bukit Batok Branch is close to 374, Bukit Batok Street 31, Bukit Gombak Shopping Centre, Bukit Batok, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 650374

  • Address: Block 374 Bukit Batok Street 31, #01-180, Singapore 650374
  • Phone: +65 6560 3357
  • Website: unitedpawnshop.com
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3581629, 103.7507487

United Pawnshop - Bukit Batok Branch, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 8:30 AM 5 PM
Monday 8:30 AM 8 PM for the week
Tuesday 8:30 AM 8 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM 8 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM 8 PM
Friday 8:30 AM 8 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM 5 PM
United Pawnshop - Bukit Batok Branch reviews

Hassle free, friendly and easy to slightly negotiate price.

Very worst suck blood be careful

2023-08-31 Siti

Hassle free, friendly and easy to slightly negotiate price.

2023-08-31 Samuel

Very worst suck blood be careful

2023-08-31 Jessica

They have a good selection of products and the staff was helpful.

2023-09-15 Mohammad

The atmosphere was pleasant and the shop was clean.

2023-09-20 Aisha

The customer service was excellent, they were polite and attentive.

2023-09-25 Daniel

The decor was nice and the shop had a comfortable ambiance.

2023-09-30 Emily

Overall, my experience was positive and I would visit again.

2023-10-05 Wei Young

The facilities were clean and well-maintained.

2023-10-10 Jenny

I didn't have to wait long to be served and they took reservations.

2023-10-15 Ryan

I had a personal experience where they helped me find the item I was looking for.

2023-10-20 Karen

The prices were reasonable and I felt like I got a good value for my money.

2023-10-25 Nathan

The quality of the products and services was top-notch.

How would you rate your experience? United Pawnshop - Bukit Batok Branch?
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