Tuas Checkpoint Fire Post

Tuas Checkpoint Fire Post is close to Tuas, Southwest, SG-05, 639937

  • Address: 501 Jln. Ahmad Ibrahim, Singapore 639937
  • Phone: +65 6865 4723
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.347048, 103.6361462

Tuas Checkpoint Fire Post, opening hours today

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Tuas Checkpoint Fire Post reviews

Literally it is a fire post not a ticket counter what do you expect?

They even don't have the machine to sell ticket for the bus. I thought Singapore is a modern country but I was so wrong. Everything is so old at this place. Many tourists are stuck there just because we don't have small money to buy the bus ticket. And the only way to get out of there is the bus.

Best fire post in Singapore and with no front desk

2023-08-26 Jasmine

Literally it is a fire post not a ticket counter what do you expect?

2023-08-26 Kevin

They even don't have the machine to sell ticket for the bus. I thought Singapore is a modern country but I was so wrong. Everything is so old at this place. Many tourists are stuck there just because we don't have small money to buy the bus ticket. And the only way to get out of there is the bus.

2023-08-26 Michelle

Best fire post in Singapore and with no front desk

2023-09-23 Jacob Lim

They even don't have the machine to sell tickets for the bus. I thought Singapore is a modern country but I was so wrong. Everything is so old at this place. Many tourists are stuck there just because we don't have small money to buy the bus ticket. And the only way to get out of there is the bus.

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