Teo Foodstuffs Supplier (Tempe & Lontong) Pte Ltd

Teo Foodstuffs Supplier (Tempe & Lontong) Pte Ltd is close to 3020, Ubi Avenue 2, Kampong Ubi Industrial Estate, Geylang, Singapore, Southeast, SG-04, 408896

  • Address: 3020 Ubi Ave 2, Singapore 408896
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3280199, 103.8935339

Teo Foodstuffs Supplier (Tempe & Lontong) Pte Ltd, opening hours today

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Teo Foodstuffs Supplier (Tempe & Lontong) Pte Ltd reviews
2023-09-09 Samantha

The customer service at Teo Foodstuffs Supplier is exceptional. The staff are friendly and helpful, always willing to answer any questions or provide recommendations. They make you feel welcome and valued as a customer.

2023-09-09 Matthew

I have had a great personal experience with Teo Foodstuffs Supplier. The quality of their food products is excellent. I have never been disappointed with any of the products I have purchased from them. They always taste fresh and delicious.

2023-09-09 Sophia

The ambiance and decor at Teo Foodstuffs Supplier is simple yet cozy. The store is clean and well organized, making it easy to find what you need. The atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming.

2023-09-24 James

Teo Foodstuffs Supplier offers great value for money. The prices are reasonable and the quality of the products is top-notch. They also have regular promotions and discounts, making it even more affordable.

2023-09-29 Emily

My overall experience with Teo Foodstuffs Supplier has been fantastic. I have been a customer for several years now and have always been satisfied with their products and services. I highly recommend them to others.

2023-10-04 Oliver

The wait time at Teo Foodstuffs Supplier is minimal. The staff are efficient and work quickly to serve customers. I have never had to wait long to get my order or ask any questions.

2023-10-09 Isabella

My initial impression of Teo Foodstuffs Supplier was positive. The store is clean and well-maintained. The staff greeted me warmly and were knowledgeable about their products. I felt comfortable shopping there.

2023-10-14 Daniel

The quality of the food products at Teo Foodstuffs Supplier is outstanding. I have tried their tempe and lontong and they are always fresh and flavorful. They offer a wide variety of products to choose from.

2023-10-19 Ava

The facilities at Teo Foodstuffs Supplier are clean and well-equipped. They have ample parking space and the store is easily accessible. The staff are also friendly and helpful in assisting customers with any needs.

2023-10-24 Jack

I have been a customer of Teo Foodstuffs Supplier for many years and have always been satisfied with their products and services. They consistently deliver high-quality food products and have a wide range of options to choose from.

2023-10-29 Sophie

The customer service at Teo Foodstuffs Supplier is exceptional. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable about their products. They go above and beyond to ensure that customers are satisfied with their purchases.

2023-11-03 Ethan

The value for money at Teo Foodstuffs Supplier is excellent. The prices are reasonable and the quality of the products is top-notch. I always feel like I am getting my money's worth when shopping there.

How would you rate your experience? Teo Foodstuffs Supplier (Tempe & Lontong) Pte Ltd?
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