Sundae Guk

Sundae Guk is close to 220, East Coast Road, Marine Parade, Singapore, Southeast, SG-04, 424095

  • Address: 222 E Coast Rd, Singapore 428919
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.307461, 103.907404

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Sundae Guk reviews
2023-09-05 Emily

The staff at Sundae Guk were very friendly and provided excellent customer service. They were attentive and made sure that all our needs were met. I was impressed with their professionalism and willingness to go the extra mile for their customers.

2023-09-05 Daniel

When I first walked into Sundae Guk, I was immediately impressed by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor was modern and stylish, and the lighting created a cozy ambiance. It was a pleasant environment to enjoy a meal with friends.

2023-09-05 Sophia

I had a wonderful experience dining at Sundae Guk. The food was delicious and prepared with great attention to detail. I especially enjoyed their signature sundae dish, which was both visually appealing and tasty. The presentation was top-notch.

2023-09-20 James

I had to wait for about 15 minutes before I was seated at Sundae Guk. While the wait was slightly longer than I would have liked, it was worth it once I tasted the food. The wait staff made sure to keep me updated on the status of my table, which I appreciated.

2023-09-25 Chloe

Sundae Guk has excellent facilities and amenities. The restaurant is clean and well-maintained, and the bathrooms are spotless. There is also ample parking available, which is convenient for customers. Overall, the facilities exceeded my expectations.

2023-09-30 Benjamin

My overall experience at Sundae Guk was fantastic. The food was outstanding, the service was impeccable, and the atmosphere was inviting. I would highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for a great dining experience.

2023-10-05 Olivia

I had a reservation at Sundae Guk, and I was seated promptly upon arrival. The staff was friendly and accommodating, and they provided excellent service throughout my meal. It was a smooth and hassle-free experience.

2023-10-10 Jason

The value for money at Sundae Guk is exceptional. The prices are reasonable for the quality of the food and service provided. I felt like I was getting a great deal for what I paid. I will definitely be returning in the future.

2023-10-15 Emma

The staff at Sundae Guk were knowledgeable and friendly. They were able to answer all of my questions about the menu and made recommendations based on my preferences. I appreciated their expertise and guidance.

2023-10-20 Adam

The initial impression I had of Sundae Guk was positive. The restaurant was clean and well-organized, and the staff greeted me with a smile. I immediately felt welcome and comfortable in the space.

2023-10-25 Isabella

The quality of the food at Sundae Guk is exceptional. Every dish I tried was flavorful and made with high-quality ingredients. The attention to detail in the cooking was evident, and I enjoyed every bite.

2023-10-30 Lucas

I had to wait for about 30 minutes before I was seated at Sundae Guk. Despite the wait, the staff kept us informed and apologized for the delay. Once we were seated, the service was excellent and the food made up for the wait time.

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