SP Mobility Charging Station

SP Mobility Charging Station is close to Mandai Lake Road, Mandai Nature Precinct, Central Water Catchment, Northwest, SG-03, 729826

  • Address: 80 Mandai Lake Rd, Singapore 729826
  • Phone: +65 6916 7799
  • Website: spmobility.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.4045385, 103.7898108

SP Mobility Charging Station, opening hours today

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SP Mobility Charging Station reviews
2023-08-21 Kelly

I recently used the SP Mobility Charging Station for my electric vehicle and I was very impressed. The charging station was easy to use and the charging speed was fast. I would definitely recommend it.

2023-08-21 David

I had a great experience with the SP Mobility Charging Station. It was convenient to use and the charging process was efficient. The station also had a nice design and was well-maintained.

2023-08-21 Sarah

I found the SP Mobility Charging Station to be very reliable. It provided a consistent charge for my electric vehicle and I never had any issues with the station. The customer service was also excellent and the staff were helpful.

2023-09-05 Benjamin

I was disappointed with the SP Mobility Charging Station. The charging speed was slow and I had to wait longer than expected for my vehicle to charge. The station also had limited availability and I had to wait in line to use it.

2023-09-10 Emily

I had a positive experience with the SP Mobility Charging Station. The charging process was smooth and the station was easy to locate. The station also had multiple charging ports, which was convenient.

2023-09-15 Daniel

I encountered some issues with the SP Mobility Charging Station. The station was not always available and there were times when I couldn't charge my vehicle. The charging speed was also slower than expected.

2023-09-20 Sophia

I highly recommend the SP Mobility Charging Station. The station was always available and the charging speed was fast. The station also had good security measures in place.

2023-09-25 Matthew

I had a negative experience with the SP Mobility Charging Station. The charging station was frequently out of order and I had trouble finding an alternative station. The customer service was also unhelpful.

2023-09-30 Olivia

I am satisfied with the SP Mobility Charging Station. The charging process was smooth and the station was clean and well-maintained. The station also had clear instructions for charging.

2023-10-05 James

I had a mixed experience with the SP Mobility Charging Station. The station was usually available and the charging speed was decent. However, there were times when the station was not working properly and I had to find an alternative.

2023-10-10 Ava

The SP Mobility Charging Station exceeded my expectations. The charging speed was incredibly fast and the station had a user-friendly interface. I was also impressed with the station's sustainability features.

2023-10-15 Noah

I had a disappointing experience with the SP Mobility Charging Station. The station was frequently full and I had to wait for a charging spot. The charging speed was also slower than I anticipated.

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