Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant-Kitchener Road

Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant-Kitchener Road is close to Little India, Race Course Road, Little India, Rochor, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 219178

  • Address: 181 Kitchener Rd, Level 3, Singapore 208533
  • Phone: +65 3138 5359
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3105556, 103.8558333

Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant-Kitchener Road, opening hours today

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Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant-Kitchener Road reviews

Visited the Kitchener outlet on 11 June 2023 with my wife and friends. First impression was really great because my wife is pregnant and needed to use …

Food is above average but the service is bad.. I think they lack manpower. The manager (male) assigned to our table was not friendly and not reactive. …

Always a good time dining here with delicious dishes and attentive service. This time, we tried Chef Leung''s 12th Anniversary: A Classic Feast …

2023-08-29 Alex

Visited the Kitchener outlet on 11 June 2023 with my wife and friends. First impression was really great because my wife is pregnant and needed to use the restroom urgently. The staff quickly assisted us to a nearby restroom and even checked on my wife after we finished eating. The service was exceptional and the food was delicious. Highly recommend!

2023-08-29 Sara

Food is above average but the service is bad. I think they lack manpower. The manager (male) assigned to our table was not friendly and not reactive.

2023-08-29 Eric

Always a good time dining here with delicious dishes and attentive service. This time, we tried Chef Leung's 12th Anniversary: A Classic Feast and it was absolutely fantastic. Each dish was well-prepared and full of flavor. Will definitely come back again!

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