Shalom Clinic & Surgery

Shalom Clinic & Surgery is close to Han Dynasty, 123, Alexandra Road, Bukit Merah, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 149053

  • Address: 123 Bukit Merah Lane 1, #01-104 Alexandra Village, Singapore 150123
  • Phone: +65 6278 0270
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.2864862, 103.8035491

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Shalom Clinic & Surgery reviews

Very good and professional. Struggling to find a GP to remove my fish bone and very lucky to chance upon Dr Soh !

Dr. Soh is so amazing that I've been keep coming to him even tho my insurance not covered by his clinic and total commute takes me more than hour. And by far the best doctor I've visited in Singapore. …

Dr Soh wasn’t around when I visited but the Dr on duty was very detailed. Medication was good. If only the staffs mending the counter were just as friendly, I would have given a 5.

2023-09-04 Rachel

Very good and professional. Struggling to find a GP to remove my fish bone and very lucky to chance upon Dr Soh!

2023-09-04 Michelle

Dr. Soh is so amazing that I've been keep coming to him even tho my insurance not covered by his clinic and total commute takes me more than an hour. And by far the best doctor I've visited in Singapore.

2023-09-04 Jessica

Dr Soh wasn’t around when I visited but the Dr on duty was very detailed. Medication was good. If only the staff mending the counter were just as friendly, I would have given a 5.

2023-09-04 Michelle

Very good and professional. Struggling to find a GP to remove my fish bone and very lucky to chance upon Dr Soh !

2023-09-04 Emily

Dr Soh wasn’t around when I visited but the Dr on duty was very detailed. Medication was good. If only the staffs mending the counter were just as friendly, I would have given a 5.

2023-09-16 Sarah

Dr. Soh is so amazing that I've been keep coming to him even tho my insurance not covered by his clinic and total commute takes me more than hour. And by far the best doctor I've visited in Singapore.

2023-10-19 Reviewer 1

Very good and professional. Struggling to find a GP to remove my fish bone and very lucky to chance upon Dr. Soh!

2023-10-19 Reviewer 2

Dr. Soh is so amazing that I've been keep coming to him even though my insurance is not covered by his clinic and the total commute takes me more than an hour. And by far the best doctor I've visited in Singapore.

2023-10-19 Reviewer 3

Dr. Soh wasn’t around when I visited but the doctor on duty was very detailed. Medication was good. If only the staffs mending the counter were just as friendly, I would have given a 5.

2023-12-03 Reviewer 10

Dr. Soh isn’t around when I visited but the doctor on duty was very detailed. Medication was good. If only the staffs mending the counter were just as friendly, I would have given a 5.

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