Sewing Classes Singapore

Sewing Classes Singapore is close to 156, Tampines Street 12, Tampines, Singapore, Northeast, SG-02, 521156

  • Address: 156 Tampines Street 12, Singapore 521156
  • Phone: +65 9093 1378
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3516141, 103.9448992

Sewing Classes Singapore, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 10 AM 4 PM for the week
Tuesday 10 AM 4 PM
Wednesday 10 AM 4 PM
Thursday 10 AM 4 PM
Friday 10 AM 4 PM
Saturday 9 AM 3 PM
Sewing Classes Singapore reviews

I had my first private lesson with Ms Babitha today. It went well. Ms Babitha is a patient and fun teacher. I am looking forward to my second class.

The information provided was clear, efficient and quick. Looking forward to my 1st class! 1st private class has been good; teacher is patient and understanding! Looking forward to 2nd class now of drawing and measuring!

I have no basic knowledge of sewing and this is my 1st time learning how to sew and I have problem during the measurement calculation but the instructor is helpful and assist me without any doubt. It make my 1st sewing lesson very enjoyable. The participants also very help and friendly.

2023-09-09 Jane

I had my first private lesson with Ms Babitha today. It went well. Ms Babitha is a patient and fun teacher. I am looking forward to my second class.

2023-09-09 John

The information provided was clear, efficient and quick. Looking forward to my 1st class!

2023-09-09 Emily

1st private class has been good; teacher is patient and understanding! Looking forward to 2nd class now of drawing and measuring!

2023-09-24 Sarah

I have no basic knowledge of sewing and this is my 1st time learning how to sew and I have problem during the measurement calculation but the instructor is helpful and assist me without any doubt. It make my 1st sewing lesson very enjoyable. The participants also very help and friendly.

2023-10-10 Rachel

I have no basic knowledge of sewing and this is my 1st time learning how to sew and I have problem during the measurement calculation but the instructor is helpful and assist me without any doubt. It make my 1st sewing lesson very enjoyable. The participants also very helpful and friendly.

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