Sembawang Park Public Toilet 1

Sembawang Park Public Toilet 1 is close to Sembawang Road, Sembawang, Northwest, SG-03, 757600

  • Address: 117 Beaulieu Rd, Singapore 759837
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.4629316, 103.8374113

Sembawang Park Public Toilet 1, opening hours today

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Sembawang Park Public Toilet 1 reviews

Super clean, has vending machine there too. Can wash my feet at the allocated feet-washing area. Also has a water cooler. Amazingly huge.

Good. There's a vending machine here.

Big toilet

2023-08-21 Sarah

Super clean, has vending machine there too. Can wash my feet at the allocated feet-washing area. Also has a water cooler. Amazingly huge.

2023-08-21 John

Good. There's a vending machine here.

2023-08-21 Emily

Big toilet

2023-09-05 David

Clean and spacious. Highly recommended.

2023-09-10 Jessica

Very well-maintained. Great facilities.

2023-09-15 Michael

Nice and clean. I love the vending machine!

2023-09-20 Sophia

Well-lit and clean. The water cooler is a nice touch.

2023-09-25 Matthew

Spacious and clean. I appreciate the feet-washing area.

2023-09-30 Olivia

Great place to use the restroom. Very clean and well-maintained.

2023-10-05 Daniel

The toilet is huge! Never seen such a big public restroom.

2023-10-10 Ava

Clean and well-maintained. The vending machine is a convenient addition.

2023-10-15 William

Nice bathroom. I appreciated the water cooler.

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