Richard Travel Pte Ltd (TA01248)

Richard Travel Pte Ltd (TA01248) is close to Rolex, Eu Tong Sen Street, People's Park, Outram, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 059441

  • Address: 1 Park Road, #03-19, Singapore 059108
  • Phone: +65 6327 8968
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.2841977, 103.8425488

Richard Travel Pte Ltd (TA01248), opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 10 AM 3 PM
Monday 2 7 PM
Tuesday 2 7 PM
Wednesday 2 7 PM
Thursday 2 7 PM for the week
Friday 2 7 PM
Saturday 10 AM 5 PM
Richard Travel Pte Ltd (TA01248) reviews

Not recommended. Richard doesn’t tell the truth. He keeps saying that the visa is being processed but in fact he is not doing it at all. Bad attitude when calling him.

Unreliable agency. Promised to deliver visa within a week but failed to do so. Did not reply to messages or calls. Cut off our call when we called to ask.

2023-09-04 Samuel

Not recommended. Richard doesn’t tell the truth. He keeps saying that the visa is being processed but in fact he is not doing it at all. Bad attitude when calling him.

2023-09-04 Jessica

Unreliable agency. Promised to deliver visa within a week but failed to do so. Did not reply to messages or calls. Cut off our call when we called to ask.

2023-09-04 Jennifer

The travel agency has poor facilities and amenities. The waiting time for their services is long and it is difficult to make reservations. Overall, a disappointing experience.

2023-09-19 Michael

My personal experience with Richard Travel was terrible. The customer service and staff were unhelpful and unfriendly. The quality of their services was below average and not worth the money.

2023-09-24 Emily

I was not impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere of Richard Travel. The ambiance and decor were outdated and did not create a welcoming environment.

2023-09-29 Jacob

The wait time for visa processing at Richard Travel was unacceptable. Despite their promises, they failed to deliver on time and did not provide any updates or explanations.

2023-10-04 Sophia

The customer service at Richard Travel was very poor. They were unresponsive to messages and calls, and when we finally managed to speak to them, they were rude and unprofessional.

2023-10-09 William

I found the quality of services at Richard Travel to be subpar. The visa processing was not done properly and there were errors in the documents provided. It was not worth the money spent.

2023-10-14 Olivia

The value for money at Richard Travel was poor. The prices were high compared to other travel agencies and the quality of services did not justify the cost.

2023-10-19 Daniel

The initial impression of Richard Travel was not good. The office was disorganized and the staff seemed overwhelmed. The overall atmosphere was chaotic and unprofessional.

2023-10-24 Amelia

The ambiance and decor at Richard Travel were outdated and unappealing. The office space was cramped and cluttered, which did not provide a comfortable or pleasant environment.

2023-10-29 Ethan

Overall, my experience with Richard Travel was disappointing. The visa processing was delayed and there was a lack of transparency in their communication. I would not recommend their services.

How would you rate your experience? Richard Travel Pte Ltd (TA01248)?
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