Radio Modellers Singapore

Radio Modellers Singapore is close to Labrador Villa Road, Bukit Merah, Southwest, SG-05, 119963

  • Address: 1A Labrador Villa Rd, Singapore 119188 Labrador Villa Rd, Singapore 119188
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.2709595, 103.802283

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Radio Modellers Singapore reviews

The oldest flying club here in Singapore. Standard facilities like aircraft restrainers, windsock, tentages, table and chairs, fan, and safety nets and barricades. …

2023-09-02 Simon

The facilities at the club are good and well-maintained. The aircraft restrainers and safety nets provide a safe environment for flying. The tentages and chairs are also comfortable for resting and watching the flying activities. The only downside is that the wait time to fly can be quite long during peak hours.

2023-09-02 Emily

I am really impressed with the customer service and staff at the club. They are friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. They made me feel welcome and provided me with all the necessary information and guidance. Thumbs up to the club for their excellent service!

2023-09-02 Daniel

The ambiance and decor at the club are pleasant and inviting. The surrounding greenery and open skies create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. The club has done a great job in maintaining the cleanliness and aesthetics of the area.

2023-09-17 Sophia

The value for money at the club is reasonable. The membership fees and charges for facilities rental are affordable, considering the quality and maintenance of the facilities. Overall, it is a worthwhile investment for aviation enthusiasts.

2023-09-22 Adam

My initial impression of the club was positive. The staff greeted me warmly and explained the club rules and regulations clearly. The atmosphere was welcoming and inclusive. I felt comfortable and excited to explore the club.

2023-09-27 Rachel

The quality of products and services at the club is top-notch. The aircrafts are well-maintained and in excellent condition. The club also offers training courses and workshops that are informative and beneficial. I am impressed with the dedication to providing quality experiences for the members.

2023-10-02 Joshua

The facilities at the club are comprehensive and well-equipped. The aircraft restrainers and safety nets ensure a safe flying environment. The fan provides relief from the heat, and the tentages and chairs are comfortable for resting. Overall, it is a great place for flying enthusiasts.

2023-10-07 Chloe

I had a fantastic personal experience at the club. The staff were patient and supportive during my first flying lesson. They guided me through the process and made me feel at ease. It was a memorable and exhilarating experience that I will cherish.

2023-10-12 Jason

My overall experience at the club was positive. The club provides a safe and enjoyable flying environment. The staff are friendly and helpful, and the facilities are well-maintained. I would highly recommend this club to anyone interested in radio modelling.

2023-10-17 Sarah

The wait time to fly at the club can be a bit long, especially during peak hours. It would be great if there are more aircrafts available and a better scheduling system to optimize the flying experience for all members.

2023-10-22 Ryan

The customer service and staff at the club are exceptional. They are friendly, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist. They go above and beyond to ensure the members have a great experience. Kudos to the staff for their dedication and professionalism.

2023-10-27 Michelle

The facilities at the club are well-maintained and in good condition. The aircraft restrainers and safety nets provide a safe flying environment. The tentages and chairs are comfortable for resting and observing the flying activities. The only improvement I would suggest is to provide more shaded areas for members to escape from the sun.

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