Pulau Pawai Pier

Pulau Pawai Pier is close to Southwest, SG-05

  • Address: Pulau Pawai, Singapore
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.1799491, 103.721382

Pulau Pawai Pier, opening hours today

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Pulau Pawai Pier reviews
2023-08-20 Linda Tan

The view from Pulau Pawai Pier is absolutely stunning. I visited during sunset and it was magical. Highly recommend.

2023-08-20 David Lim

Pulau Pawai Pier is a hidden gem in Singapore. It's calm and peaceful, perfect for a weekend getaway. The water is so clear and blue!

2023-08-20 Karen Ng

I love coming to Pulau Pawai Pier for picnics with my family. The grassy area is well-maintained and there are plenty of benches to sit on. A great spot for a relaxed day out.

2023-09-04 John Tan

The pier is a great spot for fishing. I caught some big fish here and had a lot of fun. Will definitely come back.

2023-09-09 Michelle Lim

Pulau Pawai Pier is a lovely place to take a walk. The breeze from the sea is refreshing and the view is amazing, especially on clear days. Highly recommend.

2023-09-14 Benjamin Lee

The pier is well-maintained and clean. It's a great place to relax and enjoy the sea breeze. Definitely one of my favorite spots in Singapore.

2023-09-19 Jessica Tan

I love spending time at Pulau Pawai Pier. The sunset views are breathtaking and I always leave feeling refreshed and relaxed.

2023-09-24 Michael Lim

Pulau Pawai Pier is a great spot for photography. The scenery is beautiful and there are plenty of interesting subjects to capture.

2023-09-29 Sarah Tan

I visited Pulau Pawai Pier with my friends and we had a great time. We had a picnic by the water and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. Definitely recommend for a day out with friends.

2023-10-04 Daniel Ng

Pulau Pawai Pier is a popular spot for fishing enthusiasts. The water is teeming with fish and there are plenty of facilities available. Great place to spend a day fishing.

2023-10-09 Rachel Lim

I love coming to Pulau Pawai Pier to watch the sunset. The colors are always so vibrant and it's a peaceful place to relax and unwind.

2023-10-14 Andrew Tan

Pulau Pawai Pier is a beautiful place to take a walk and enjoy the sea breeze. The views are amazing and it's a great spot for photography.

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