NewGenz Employment Services Pte Ltd

NewGenz Employment Services Pte Ltd is close to Seagate, 121, Woodlands Avenue 12, Woodlands, Northwest, SG-03, 739016

  • Address: 11 Woodlands Cl, #04-17 Woodlands 11, Singapore 737853
  • Phone: +65 6749 6659
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.4344487, 103.8026038

NewGenz Employment Services Pte Ltd, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 9 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 9 AM 6 PM
Wednesday 9 AM 6 PM
Thursday 9 AM 6 PM for the week
Friday 9 AM 6 PM
NewGenz Employment Services Pte Ltd reviews

The office mentioned seems to be closed for a while.

2023-09-02 Angeline

The office of NewGenz Employment Services has been closed for a while. I couldn't find any information about them.

2023-09-02 Ben

I had a very bad experience with NewGenz Employment Services. The staff was rude and unhelpful. They did not provide me with the help I needed in finding employment. I would not recommend their services to anyone.

2023-09-02 Catherine

I found the quality of service at NewGenz Employment Services to be excellent. They were very professional and helped me find a job that is a perfect fit for my skills and interests.

2023-09-17 Daniel

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere at NewGenz Employment Services. The office was clean and well-organized, and the staff were friendly and welcoming.

2023-09-22 Emily

The customer service at NewGenz Employment Services was top-notch. The staff were knowledgeable and responsive, and they went above and beyond to help me in my job search.

2023-09-27 Frank

Overall, my experience with NewGenz Employment Services was positive. They provided me with the support and resources I needed to find a job, and I am grateful for their help.

2023-10-02 Gina

The facilities and amenities at NewGenz Employment Services were satisfactory. The office had all the necessary equipment and resources for job seekers.

2023-10-07 Henry

I had a personal experience with NewGenz Employment Services where they helped me find a job that I love. I am thankful for their assistance and would recommend their services to others.

2023-10-12 Isabella

The ambiance and decor at NewGenz Employment Services were pleasant. The office had a professional and welcoming atmosphere.

2023-10-17 Jack

I did not have to wait long for my appointment at NewGenz Employment Services. I was able to get in and out quickly, which was convenient for me.

2023-10-22 Karen

I made a reservation at NewGenz Employment Services and they honored it. I was pleased with their professionalism and punctuality.

2023-10-27 Liam

I was not able to find any information about NewGenz Employment Services when I visited their office. It seems like they have been closed for a while.

How would you rate your experience? NewGenz Employment Services Pte Ltd?
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