Multi story CarPark

Multi story CarPark is close to 140, Corporation Drive, Yung Ho Spring, Jurong West, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 610140

  • Address: 140 Corporation Dr, Singapore
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3268399, 103.7235888

Multi story CarPark, opening hours today

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Multi story CarPark reviews

Entrance of carpark always blocked by: 1. Taxi drivers at zebra crossing refusing to drop off at the roundabout drop …

2023-08-30 Rachel

The entrance of the carpark is always blocked by taxi drivers who refuse to drop off at the roundabout drop off point.

2023-08-30 Jonathan

I am extremely frustrated with the taxi drivers who block the entrance of the carpark by refusing to drop off at the roundabout drop off point. It creates unnecessary traffic and delays.

2023-08-30 Michelle

I usually avoid this carpark because the entrance is always blocked by taxi drivers. It's such a hassle.

2023-09-14 Daniel

The carpark entrance is frequently blocked by taxi drivers who don't follow the rules. It's frustrating and inconvenient.

2023-09-19 Emily

The carpark is decent, but the entrance is often blocked by taxi drivers who refuse to drop off at the roundabout. It's an annoyance.

2023-09-24 Kevin

The carpark would be fine if it weren't for the taxi drivers blocking the entrance. It creates unnecessary chaos and delays for everyone.

2023-09-29 Jessica

I have had multiple instances where the entrance of the carpark is blocked by taxi drivers who refuse to drop off at the roundabout. It's highly frustrating and inconvenient.

2023-10-04 Benjamin

I avoid this carpark because the entrance is always blocked by taxi drivers. It's a waste of time and energy.

2023-10-09 Sophia

The carpark itself is fine, but the entrance is often blocked by taxi drivers. It's quite irritating.

2023-10-14 Samuel

The carpark is decent, but it's a nightmare to enter due to taxi drivers blocking the entrance. They should be more considerate.

2023-10-19 Olivia

The carpark entrance is always blocked by taxi drivers who refuse to follow the rules. It creates unnecessary congestion and delays.

2023-10-24 Matthew

I dislike this carpark because the entrance is constantly blocked by taxi drivers. It's a nuisance.

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