McDonald's Sengkang Rivervale

McDonald's Sengkang Rivervale is close to Rivervale Plaza, Rivervale Lane, Rivervale, Seng Kang, Northeast, SG-02, 542123

  • Address: 118 Rivervale Dr, #01-32 Rivervale Plaza, Singapore 540118
  • Phone: +65 6777 3777
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3851593, 103.9013153

McDonald's Sengkang Rivervale, opening hours today

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McDonald's Sengkang Rivervale reviews

Mouldy fry.. Come on.. Quality control. Didn't complain because staff so busy, hope for no stomach ache lol.

Was passing my plaza in the morning and didn't plan to take any breakfast but saw mcd has opened early in the morning. There are 4 kiosk for ordering here. Went to order, took the table service tag, and sat down. It took about 10 minutes …

Not bad, quite spacious usually can find an empty seat. Popular with the nearby school kids. Staff is on the ball, friendly. …

2023-08-25 Sharon

Mouldy fry.. Come on.. Quality control. Didn't complain because staff so busy, hope for no stomach ache lol.

2023-08-25 David

Was passing my plaza in the morning and didn't plan to take any breakfast but saw mcd has opened early in the morning. There are 4 kiosk for ordering here. Went to order, took the table service tag, and sat down. It took about 10 minutes ...

2023-08-25 Angela

Not bad, quite spacious usually can find an empty seat. Popular with the nearby school kids. Staff is on the ball, friendly.

2023-09-17 Emily

Quality control needs improvement. Had a mouldy fry. Too busy to complain. Hopefully, it won't cause any stomach issues.

2023-09-22 Daniel

Stopped by in the morning without planning for breakfast. McDonald's was open and I noticed there were 4 kiosks for ordering. I placed my order, took the table service tag, and found a seat. It took around 10 minutes for my order to be ready...

2023-09-27 Sarah

Spacious and usually easy to find an empty seat. It's a popular spot for school kids. The staff is friendly and efficient.

2023-10-02 Benjamin

It's disappointing to find a mouldy fry. The quality control should be better. I didn't complain because the staff was busy. Hopefully, it won't make me sick.

2023-10-07 Sophia

Passed by McDonald's in the morning and didn't plan to have breakfast. But since it was open early, I decided to give it a try. There are 4 ordering kiosks available. I placed my order, took the table service tag, and found a seat...

2023-10-12 Michael

The restaurant is not bad, it's quite spacious and I can usually find an empty seat. It's popular with school kids in the area. The staff is attentive and friendly.

2023-10-17 Emma

I had a fry that had mould on it. I hope the restaurant takes care of quality control. I didn't complain because the staff seemed busy. Fingers crossed it doesn't upset my stomach.

2023-10-22 Oliver

Was passing by in the morning and didn't plan to have breakfast. But I noticed that McDonald's was open early. There are 4 self-ordering kiosks available. After placing my order, I took the table service tag and found a seat. It took about 10 minutes...

2023-10-27 Emily

It's a decent restaurant with plenty of seating. There are usually empty seats available. It's popular among students from nearby schools. The staff is friendly and efficient.

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