Kok Bros Uniform

Kok Bros Uniform is close to 92, Lorong 4 Toa Payoh, Braddell, Toa Payoh, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 310092

  • Address: 92 Lor 4 Toa Payoh, Singapore 310092
  • Phone: +65 6251 1159
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.338044, 103.849374

Kok Bros Uniform, opening hours today

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Kok Bros Uniform reviews
2023-09-02 Andrew

I had to wait for a long time before being attended to. It would be better if they had a reservation system.

2023-09-02 Benjamin

The store has a very comfortable waiting area with facilities like TV and magazines to keep customers entertained.

2023-09-02 Charlotte

The quality of the clothing at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store is exceptional.

2023-09-17 David

Overall, my experience at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store was great. The staff was friendly and helpful.

2023-09-22 Eleanor

I was impressed by the selection of clothing available at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store. They have a wide range of styles and sizes.

2023-09-27 Frank

The store has a welcoming atmosphere. The layout is organized and the decor is modern.

2023-10-02 Grace

I found a great deal on a suit at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store. The prices are reasonable.

2023-10-07 Henry

The ambiance at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store is classy and sophisticated.

2023-10-12 Isabella

The customer service at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store is top-notch. The staff is knowledgeable and attentive.

2023-10-17 Jack

I had to wait for quite a while before being helped by a staff member. They need to improve their service speed.

2023-10-22 Karen

The staff at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store was friendly and made the shopping experience enjoyable.

2023-10-27 Lawrence

I was disappointed with the quality of the products at Kok Bros Uniform Men's clothing store. The fabric felt cheap.

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