KNS Restaurant

KNS Restaurant is close to 89, Bedok North Avenue 4, Peakville Estate, Bedok, Singapore, Southeast, SG-04, 460089

  • Address: 89 Bedok North Street 4, #01-111, Singapore 460089
  • Phone: +65 6445 1619
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3329829, 103.9381512

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KNS Restaurant reviews

I had an unfortunate experience at Block 89 Bedok North Street 4 in KNS restaurant today at around 2.23pm where my fried maggie goreng with mutton was served with uncooked meat and lacked seasoning. I am deeply disappointed with the taste and have decided not to return to this restaurant. I’ve wasted $8 for this terrible taste!???? …

They have taken up two spaces for their shop. One space with an air-conditioning room, another space for food preparation, and a cashier. Outside with table and chairs adjacent to walkways. Variety food is available on the menu and picture …

staff treat you like beggar in simple words. if you order even after half an hour, if ask them what are they doing, they reply "you should not ask what are they doing this much time, i have to sit 30 or 1 hours till they finish". ha ah aha very customer delight , best wishes for the be..... going there for the free food :)

2023-08-28 Sarah

I had an unfortunate experience at Block 89 Bedok North Street 4 in KNS restaurant today at around 2.23pm where my fried maggie goreng with mutton was served with uncooked meat and lacked seasoning. I am deeply disappointed with the taste and have decided not to return to this restaurant. I've wasted $8 for this terrible taste!

2023-08-28 John

They have taken up two spaces for their shop. One space with an air-conditioning room, another space for food preparation, and a cashier. Outside with table and chairs adjacent to walkways. Variety food is available on the menu and pictures.

2023-08-28 Emily

Staff treat you like a beggar in simple words. If you order, even after half an hour, if you ask them what they are doing, they reply 'you should not ask what they are doing this much time, I have to sit 30 or 1 hour till they finish'. Very customer delight, best wishes for the be..... going there for the free food :)

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