Kim Teck Leong Ship Supply Pte Ltd

Kim Teck Leong Ship Supply Pte Ltd is close to Pandan Road, Jurong East, Southwest, SG-05, 609388

  • Address: 9 Pandan Rd, Singapore 609257
  • Phone: +65 6775 2122
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3023258, 103.7528353

Kim Teck Leong Ship Supply Pte Ltd, opening hours today

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Kim Teck Leong Ship Supply Pte Ltd reviews
2023-09-19 Eric

I had to wait for a long time before my order was delivered. The wait time was quite inconvenient.

2023-09-19 Janet

The initial impression of the company was positive. The staff was friendly and the atmosphere was professional.

2023-09-19 Michael

The quality of products provided by Kim Teck Leong Ship Supply is top-notch. I have never been disappointed with their equipment.

2023-10-04 Emily

Overall, my experience with this company has been great. They have always been reliable and provide excellent service.

2023-10-09 John

The prices of the products are reasonable and I feel like I am getting good value for my money.

2023-10-14 Sarah

The facilities and amenities provided by this company are sufficient for my needs. They have everything I require.

2023-10-19 David

The customer service at Kim Teck Leong Ship Supply is outstanding. The staff is knowledgeable and always willing to help.

2023-10-24 Amy

I have had several personal experiences with this company and they have always been positive. They go above and beyond to meet my needs.

2023-10-29 Richard

The ambiance and decor of the company's premises are professional and well-maintained.

2023-11-03 Michelle

The wait time for my order was quite short and the reservation process was seamless. I did not encounter any issues.

2023-11-08 Daniel

The products provided by this company are of high quality and I have always been satisfied with my purchases.

2023-11-13 Karen

The staff at Kim Teck Leong Ship Supply is friendly and helpful. They make the shopping experience enjoyable.

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