Kash CoinVerter

Kash CoinVerter is close to 143, Potong Pasir Avenue 2, Alkaff, Toa Payoh, Singapore, Southeast, SG-04, 350143

  • Address: 143 Potong Pasir Ave 2, Block 143, Singapore 350143
  • Phone: +65 9185 3000
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.332859, 103.866389

Kash CoinVerter, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 11 AM 5:30 PM
Tuesday 11 AM 5:30 PM
Wednesday 11 AM 5:30 PM
Thursday 11 AM 5:30 PM for the week
Friday 11 AM 5:30 PM
Saturday 11 AM 5:30 PM
Kash CoinVerter reviews
2023-09-07 Emily

The staff at Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store were extremely helpful and knowledgeable about the various collectibles they had. They were able to answer all my questions and also gave great suggestions on what to purchase. Overall, the customer service was top-notch.

2023-09-07 Daniel

The ambiance and decor of Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store were very impressive. The store had a classy and elegant feel to it, with tasteful displays of the collectibles. It made the shopping experience more enjoyable and luxurious.

2023-09-07 Sophia

When I first entered Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store, I was immediately impressed by the atmosphere. It had a warm and inviting feel, which made me feel comfortable and excited to explore the store. The overall atmosphere was excellent.

2023-09-22 James

I didn't have to wait long at Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store. The staff promptly attended to me and there were no long queues or delays. It was a smooth and efficient process.

2023-09-27 Isabella

Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store had great facilities and amenities. There were clean and well-maintained restrooms, convenient parking spaces, and comfortable seating areas. It made the shopping experience more convenient and comfortable.

2023-10-02 Benjamin

The value for money at Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store was excellent. The prices were reasonable and competitive compared to other similar stores. I got great deals and felt that I got good quality products at fair prices.

2023-10-07 Olivia

The quality of the collectibles at Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store was exceptional. They had a wide selection of authentic and well-preserved items. I was impressed by the attention to detail and the excellent craftsmanship of the collectibles.

2023-10-12 Liam

My personal experience at Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store was fantastic. The staff made me feel welcome and the overall shopping experience was enjoyable. I found some unique and rare collectibles that I had been searching for.

2023-10-17 Amelia

Overall, my experience at Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store was great. The customer service was excellent, the ambiance was classy, and the value for money was good. I would highly recommend this store to any collector or enthusiast.

2023-10-22 Aiden

I visited Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store and was disappointed with the customer service. The staff seemed disinterested and unhelpful. It took a long time for them to attend to me and they didn't provide much information about the collectibles.

2023-10-27 Mia

The ambiance and decor of Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store were average. While the store had a decent layout, it lacked a unique or standout decor. It felt like a typical collectibles store and didn't leave a lasting impression.

2023-11-01 Jacob

I had to wait for a long time at Kash CoinVerter Collectibles store. There were many customers and only a few staff members attending to everyone. It was frustrating and made the shopping experience less enjoyable.

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