Joven Electric (S) Pte Ltd

Joven Electric (S) Pte Ltd is close to UBI Techpark, 10, Ubi Avenue 1, Geylang, Singapore, Southeast, SG-04, 408564

  • Address: 10 Ubi Cres, #02-18 Lobby B, Singapore 408564
  • Phone: +65 6283 3181
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.326394, 103.8964019

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Joven Electric (S) Pte Ltd reviews

****AVOID BUYING A JOVEN WATER HEATER AT ALLL COST**** This company sells faulty water heaters and when re-installation is required …

This joke of a company voiding warranty for the smallest of reasons when they could have changed the part (few dollars on shopee), makes me think that they don't value their customers at all. …

very bad after sales support. new heater broker down after 4 months. more than 1 weeks wait for servcing.

2023-09-02 Mandy

AVOID BUYING A JOVEN WATER HEATER AT ALLL COST. This company sells faulty water heaters and when re-installation is required...

2023-09-02 John

This joke of a company voiding warranty for the smallest of reasons when they could have changed the part (few dollars on shopee), makes me think that they don't value their customers at all...

2023-09-02 Sarah

Very bad after sales support. New heater broke down after 4 months. More than 1 week wait for servicing.

2023-09-17 James

Their wait time and reservations were not satisfactory. Ambiance and decor were average. Customer service was lacking. The quality of products/services was subpar. Facilities and amenities were not well-maintained. My personal experience was disappointing. The initial impression and atmosphere were underwhelming. The value for money was poor. Overall, it was a terrible experience.

2023-09-22 Jennifer

The wait time and reservations were decent. The ambiance and decor were nice. The customer service was friendly and helpful. The quality of products/services was good. The facilities and amenities were clean and well-maintained. My personal experience was satisfactory. The initial impression and atmosphere were pleasant. The value for money was fair. Overall, it was an average experience.

2023-09-27 Michael

I had to wait for a long time for my reservation. The ambiance and decor were outdated. The customer service was slow and unresponsive. The quality of products/services was below average. The facilities and amenities were not well-maintained. My personal experience was disappointing. The initial impression and atmosphere were not inviting. The value for money was poor. Overall, it was a terrible experience.

2023-10-02 Emma

The wait time and reservations were quick and efficient. The ambiance and decor were modern and stylish. The customer service was friendly and attentive. The quality of products/services was excellent. The facilities and amenities were top-notch. My personal experience was exceptional. The initial impression and atmosphere were impressive. The value for money was great. Overall, it was a fantastic experience.

2023-10-07 Daniel

I had to wait for a long time for my reservation. The ambiance and decor were average. The customer service was average. The quality of products/services was average. The facilities and amenities were average. My personal experience was okay. The initial impression and atmosphere were average. The value for money was average. Overall, it was an average experience.

2023-10-12 Sophie

The wait time and reservations were quick and efficient. The ambiance and decor were cozy and inviting. The customer service was friendly and helpful. The quality of products/services was good. The facilities and amenities were clean and well-maintained. My personal experience was satisfactory. The initial impression and atmosphere were pleasant. The value for money was fair. Overall, it was an average experience.

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