illum.e GP tuition, English, IP English and Humanities Tuition (Novena Campus)

illum.e GP tuition, English, IP English and Humanities Tuition (Novena Campus) is close to Novena, Sinaran Drive, Novena, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 307506

  • Address: Novena Square 2, Sinaran Dr, #04-52/54 10, Singapore 307506
  • Phone: +65 8889 8705
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3211072, 103.8443378

illum.e GP tuition, English, IP English and Humanities Tuition (Novena Campus), opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 10 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 10 AM 9:30 PM
Wednesday 10 AM 9:30 PM
Thursday 10 AM 9:30 PM for the week
Friday 10 AM 9:30 PM
Saturday 10 AM 6 PM
illum.e GP tuition, English, IP English and Humanities Tuition (Novena Campus) reviews

In addition to being able to test our understanding of essay techniques and skills, Illume lessons include time to write essays and AQ paragraphs or do comprehension questions as part of their lessons. By marking our work on the spot and …

Classes at Illum.e are always so fun and engaging :) My teachers, Mr Chia and Mr Yeo are highly dedicated and teach us things beyond the syllabus, which helped make GP so much more fun. The environment at Illum.e is also very welcoming, …

Since young, English has always been my weakest subject and the language that I struggled with the most. Before joining illum.e, I was having difficulties catching up with both the content acquisition as well as skills application. I was …

2023-08-29 Ashley

The classes at illum.e are always so fun and engaging. The teachers are highly dedicated and teach us things beyond the syllabus, which helps make GP so much more fun. The environment at illum.e is also very welcoming.

2023-08-29 Ben

I have been struggling with English since I was young, but after joining illum.e, I have seen improvements in both my content acquisition and skills application. The teachers at illum.e are really helpful and patient.

2023-08-29 Carol

illum.e offers a comprehensive GP tuition program. The lessons include testing our understanding of essay techniques and skills, as well as time to write essays and do comprehension questions. The teachers also provide on-the-spot marking, which is really helpful.

2023-09-13 Daniel

The teachers at illum.e are knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects. They go beyond the syllabus to teach us interesting and relevant topics. The lessons are interactive and engaging.

2023-09-18 Emily

I was struggling with my Humanities subjects, but after joining illum.e, I have gained a better understanding and have improved my grades. The teachers are patient and provide clear explanations.

2023-09-23 Frank

The teachers at illum.e are very approachable and always willing to help. They provide valuable feedback on our work, which helps us improve. The facilities at illum.e are also excellent.

2023-09-28 Grace

I have been attending IP English tuition at illum.e and I have found the classes to be very helpful. The teachers are knowledgeable and provide guidance on exam skills and techniques. I have seen improvements in my grades.

2023-10-03 Henry

The teachers at illum.e are excellent. They provide clear explanations and examples to help us understand the concepts. The lessons are well-structured and interactive. I have seen improvements in my English skills.

2023-10-08 Isabel

I have been attending GP tuition at illum.e and I am very satisfied with the quality of the lessons. The teachers are experienced and provide constructive feedback on our work. The small class size allows for personalized attention.

2023-10-13 Jack

The teachers at illum.e are dedicated and passionate. They make the lessons interesting and engaging. I have seen improvements in my English skills since joining illum.e.

2023-10-18 Kate

I highly recommend illum.e for GP tuition. The teachers are experienced and knowledgeable. The lessons are well-organized and include practice questions and essays. I have seen improvements in my writing and critical thinking skills.

2023-10-23 Luke

The teachers at illum.e are very supportive and caring. They provide individual attention and feedback, which has helped me improve my English skills. The lessons are interactive and engaging.

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