Hup Yam Seng

Hup Yam Seng is close to Beauty World Plaza, 140, Upper Bukit Timah Road, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 588176

  • Address: 140 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, Singapore 588176
  • Phone: +65 6468 5505
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.341779, 103.7763341

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Hup Yam Seng reviews

Very very worst company.

2023-08-29 Lily

I had a very bad experience with Hup Yam Seng Elevator service. The service was terrible and the staff was rude. I would not recommend this company to anyone.

2023-08-29 Ryan

Hup Yam Seng Elevator service is the worst company I have ever dealt with. The elevator in my building is constantly breaking down and it takes forever for them to come and fix it. I am extremely frustrated with their service.

2023-08-29 Sophia

I have been using Hup Yam Seng Elevator service for a few months now and I am extremely disappointed. The quality of the service is very poor and the elevators are always dirty and unreliable. I would not recommend this company to anyone.

2023-09-13 Daniel

I used Hup Yam Seng Elevator service for a short period of time and I was not satisfied with their service. The elevators were often overcrowded and the wait time was extremely long. I would not use this company again.

2023-09-18 Emily

I had a terrible experience with Hup Yam Seng Elevator service. The elevator in my building broke down multiple times and it took them hours to come and fix it. The staff was unapologetic and unhelpful. I would not recommend this company.

2023-09-23 Aaron

The only positive thing I can say about Hup Yam Seng Elevator service is that they were relatively cheap. However, the quality of their service was subpar. The elevator in my building was always dirty and slow. I would not use this company again.

2023-09-28 Mia

Hup Yam Seng Elevator service is the worst company I have ever dealt with. The elevators in my building are constantly out of order and the staff is unresponsive. I am very unhappy with their service.

2023-10-03 Brandon

I have had a very bad experience with Hup Yam Seng Elevator service. The elevators in my building are old and unreliable. The wait time is long and the staff is unhelpful. I would not recommend this company to anyone.

2023-10-08 Olivia

I am extremely disappointed with Hup Yam Seng Elevator service. The elevators in my building are constantly breaking down and the company takes forever to fix them. The staff is rude and unprofessional. I would not use this company again.

2023-10-13 Nathan

I had a terrible experience with Hup Yam Seng Elevator service. The elevators in my building are always crowded and slow. The wait time is long and the staff is unhelpful. I would not recommend this company.

2023-10-18 Chloe

I am very disappointed with Hup Yam Seng Elevator service. The elevators in my building are old and in need of maintenance. The wait time is long and the staff is unresponsive. I would not recommend this company.

2023-10-23 Adam

Hup Yam Seng Elevator service is the worst company I have ever used. The elevators in my building are always breaking down and the company takes forever to fix them. The staff is unhelpful and rude. I would not recommend this company to anyone.

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