Hijama Singapore

Hijama Singapore is close to Chemperai Trail, Central Water Catchment, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 298898

  • Phone: +65 9069 7646
  • Website: hijama.com.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.343746, 103.8240449

Hijama Singapore, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 9 AM 10 PM
Monday 10 AM 10 PM
Tuesday 10 AM 10 PM
Wednesday 10 AM 10 PM
Thursday 10 AM 10 PM for the week
Friday 10 AM 10 PM
Saturday 10 AM 10 PM
Hijama Singapore reviews

From 5 star review dropped to 1. Disappointed ☹️ Therapist didn’t turn up for my session when booked in advance. Received confirmation some more of the appointment date which is today (14/11). Msg at FB & WA didn’t reply, called the hotline …

I am addicted to wet cupping. I came to Singapore for treatment and I have unbearable pain in my entire body. I requested a cupping service from the Hijama center. It was a very wonderful experience. Almost 80% of the pain went away after …

Ive been engaging Hijama spore since day 1 and i must say their services and knowledge regards to hijama(s), health advices are top notch for my very own opinion. One of their main therapist has been my personal one who treated me all the …

2023-09-05 Annie

From 5 star review dropped to 1. Disappointed ☹️ Therapist didn’t turn up for my session when booked in advance. Received confirmation some more of the appointment date which is today (14/11). Msg at FB & WA didn’t reply, called the hotline.

2023-09-05 John

I am addicted to wet cupping. I came to Singapore for treatment and I have unbearable pain in my entire body. I requested a cupping service from the Hijama center. It was a very wonderful experience. Almost 80% of the pain went away after.

2023-09-05 Sarah

Ive been engaging Hijama spore since day 1 and i must say their services and knowledge regards to hijama(s), health advices are top notch for my very own opinion. One of their main therapist has been my personal one who treated me all the.

2023-09-10 Francis

Ive been engaging Hijama spore since day 1 and i must say their services and knowledge regards to hijama(s), health advices are top notch for my very own opinion. One of their main therapist has been my personal one who treated me all the

2023-10-04 Reviewer 2

I am addicted to wet cupping. I came to Singapore for treatment and I have unbearable pain in my entire body. I requested a cupping service from the Hijama center. It was a very wonderful experience. Almost 80% of the pain went away after

2023-10-13 Aileen

From 5 star review dropped to 1. Disappointed ☹️ Therapist didn’t turn up for my session when booked in advance. Received confirmation some more of the appointment date which is today (14/11). Msg at FB & WA didn’t reply, called the hotline.

2023-10-14 Disappointed Customer

Therapist didn’t turn up for my session when booked in advance. Received confirmation some more of the appointment date which is today (14/11). Msg at FB & WA didn’t reply, called the hotline.

2023-11-18 Disappointed Customer

Therapist didn’t turn up for my session when booked in advance. Received confirmation some more of the appointment date which is today (14/11). Msg at FB & WA didn’t reply, called the hotline

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