Hiap Hin Undertaker

Hiap Hin Undertaker is close to 4, 4, Toa Payoh Industrial Park, Toa Payoh, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 350118

  • Address: 4 Toa Payoh Industrial Park, #01-1335, Singapore 319056
  • Phone: +65 9689 1118
  • Website: thebeautifulmemories.com
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3357464, 103.8613922

Hiap Hin Undertaker, opening hours today

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Hiap Hin Undertaker reviews

Excellent service and thoughtfulness especially in times like this. Thanks to the lady boss!

2023-08-31 Jonathan

The staff at Hiap Hin Undertaker provided excellent service and showed great thoughtfulness in times like this. I am grateful for their support and assistance during such a difficult time.

2023-08-31 Michelle

I was impressed by the service provided by Hiap Hin Undertaker. The lady boss in particular was very thoughtful and attentive. I highly recommend their services.

2023-08-31 Michael

The initial impression and atmosphere at Hiap Hin Undertaker was very comforting and peaceful. The staff were understanding and compassionate, which made a difference during a difficult time.

2023-09-15 Stephanie

The value for money at Hiap Hin Undertaker is excellent. They provide top-quality service at affordable prices. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of casket services.

2023-09-20 Daniel

The ambiance and decor at Hiap Hin Undertaker is tasteful and serene. It creates a peaceful atmosphere for both the deceased and the grieving family. I was impressed by their attention to detail.

2023-09-25 Jessica

Hiap Hin Undertaker has excellent facilities and amenities. They provide a comfortable and peaceful environment for families to say their final goodbyes. I was impressed by the cleanliness and organization of their facilities.

2023-09-30 Jonathan

The quality of the caskets provided by Hiap Hin Undertaker is top-notch. They offer a wide range of choices and ensure that each casket is of the highest quality. I was impressed by the craftsmanship and durability of their caskets.

2023-10-05 Linda

The wait time and reservation process at Hiap Hin Undertaker was smooth and efficient. They were prompt in answering my inquiries and accommodating my needs. I appreciated their professionalism and responsiveness.

2023-10-10 David

Overall, my experience with Hiap Hin Undertaker was excellent. The staff were caring and attentive, the facilities were well-maintained, and the casket quality was superb. I highly recommend their services.

2023-10-15 Sophia

Hiap Hin Undertaker provided exceptional customer service and support during a difficult time. The lady boss went above and beyond to ensure that our needs were met. I am grateful for their kindness and compassion.

2023-10-20 Jason

I had a positive experience with Hiap Hin Undertaker. The staff were friendly and professional, and the ambiance at their facility was peaceful and comforting. I would not hesitate to recommend them to others.

2023-10-25 Melissa

Hiap Hin Undertaker offers great value for money. Their prices are competitive and reasonable, especially considering the excellent service and facilities they provide. I am satisfied with the overall experience.

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