First Maid Pte Ltd - Best Maid Agency in Singapore

First Maid Pte Ltd - Best Maid Agency in Singapore is close to Bukit Timah Shopping Center, 170, Upper Bukit Timah Road, Hillview, Singapore, Southwest, SG-05, 588179

  • Address: 170 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, B1-21 SHOPPING CENTRE, Singapore 588179
  • Phone: +65 8488 7603
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3431115, 103.7760782

First Maid Pte Ltd - Best Maid Agency in Singapore, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 10 AM 6 PM
Monday 10 AM 7 PM for the week
Tuesday 10 AM 7 PM
Wednesday 10 AM 7 PM
Thursday 10 AM 7 PM
Friday 10 AM 7 PM
Saturday 10 AM 6 PM
First Maid Pte Ltd - Best Maid Agency in Singapore reviews

It has been 5 months since we signed the contract in December and we are still chasing the agency for updates on our helper. …

Explored various maid agencies before finalizing on First Maid. They were super professional, detailed and helpful . Betty in particular deserves a special mention .

Went on Sunday to hire a MDW . A lady just provided the cost of hiring and not even showing any bio . Also mentioning that it’s Sunday the domestic helper Center not open unable to get any interviews. Left our contact info but never heard anything again

2023-09-09 Reviewer1

It has been 5 months since we signed the contract in December and we are still chasing the agency for updates on our helper.

2023-09-09 Reviewer1

Explored various maid agencies before finalizing on First Maid. They were super professional, detailed and helpful. Betty in particular deserves a special mention.

2023-09-09 Reviewer1

Went on Sunday to hire a MDW. A lady just provided the cost of hiring and not even showing any bio. Also mentioning that it’s Sunday the domestic helper Center not open unable to get any interviews. Left our contact info but never heard anything again

2023-09-15 Emily

Went on Sunday to hire a MDW. A lady just provided the cost of hiring and not even showing any bio. Also mentioning that it’s Sunday the domestic helper Center not open unable to get any interviews. Left our contact info but never heard anything again.

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