Fat Mario Pastas - Holland Ave

Fat Mario Pastas - Holland Ave is close to Haniffa, 119, Suffolk Road, Novena, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 307584

  • Phone: +65 6219 3085
  • Website: fatmario.com
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.314, 103.84425

Fat Mario Pastas - Holland Ave, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 11 AM 9:30 PM
Monday 11 AM 9:30 PM
Tuesday 11 AM 9:30 PM
Wednesday 11 AM 9:30 PM
Thursday 11 AM 9:30 PM for the week
Friday 11 AM 9:30 PM
Saturday 11 AM 9:30 PM
Fat Mario Pastas - Holland Ave reviews

Ordered from Grab. Very pleased with the pasta..nothing fanciful..just good old comfort food

Ordered their chicken pasta. It's really tasty, but serving is small. A little more would have been more fulfilling

Ordered through Deliveroo and the pastas were tasty and reasonably priced. The servings are not large, so maybe consider a side or pizza to share if you're feeling very hungry.

2023-08-29 Jasmine

Ordered from Grab. Very pleased with the pasta..nothing fanciful..just good old comfort food.

2023-08-29 Ryan

Ordered their chicken pasta. It's really tasty, but serving is small. A little more would have been more fulfilling.

2023-08-29 Alice

Ordered through Deliveroo and the pastas were tasty and reasonably priced. The servings are not large, so maybe consider a side or pizza to share if you're feeling very hungry.

2023-09-13 Emily

The staff at Fat Mario Pastas was very friendly and helpful. They provided great customer service.

2023-09-18 Daniel

I visited Fat Mario Pastas and the atmosphere was cozy and welcoming. The decor was charming.

2023-09-23 Sophia

The wait time at Fat Mario Pastas was reasonable. It didn't take too long to get my food.

2023-09-28 Oliver

I had a personal experience at Fat Mario Pastas and I was impressed with the quality of the pasta I ordered.

2023-10-03 Emma

The overall experience at Fat Mario Pastas was great. I would definitely go back again.

2023-10-08 Jacob

The value for money at Fat Mario Pastas was good. The prices were reasonable for the portion sizes.

2023-10-13 Isabella

I made a reservation at Fat Mario Pastas and they had a table ready for me when I arrived. The staff was very accommodating.

2023-10-18 Sophie

The facilities at Fat Mario Pastas were clean and well-maintained. I was impressed with the cleanliness.

2023-10-23 Adam

The pasta at Fat Mario Pastas was delicious. I would highly recommend trying it.

How would you rate your experience? Fat Mario Pastas - Holland Ave?
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