Falcon Paper Products (s) Pte Ltd

Falcon Paper Products (s) Pte Ltd is close to 512, Chai Chee Lane, Chai Chee, Bedok, Singapore, Southeast, SG-04, 469028

  • Address: 512 Chai Chee Ln, #07-14, Singapore 469028
  • Phone: +65 6748 8877
  • Website: falconpaper.com.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3304401, 103.9173898

Falcon Paper Products (s) Pte Ltd, opening hours today

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Falcon Paper Products (s) Pte Ltd reviews

Cheap and good.

Great service and great quality paper supplier.

Great services

2023-08-23 Alicia

Cheap and good.

2023-08-23 Benjamin

Great service and great quality paper supplier.

2023-08-23 Catherine

Great services.

2023-09-07 David

Fast delivery and good prices.

2023-09-12 Emily

Excellent quality paper products.

2023-09-17 Frank

Prompt and reliable service.

2023-09-22 Grace

Affordable prices and good customer service.

2023-09-27 Henry

Great selection of paper products.

2023-10-02 Isabelle

Good value for money.

2023-10-07 James

Highly recommended supplier.

2023-10-12 Karen

Responsive and helpful customer service.

2023-10-17 Liam

Good quality paper products at reasonable prices.

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