Events & Management Services

Events & Management Services is close to Lucky Plaza, 304, Orchard Road, Orchard, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 238863

  • Address: 304 Orchard Road, #04-106A, Lucky Plaza, Singapore 238863
  • Phone: +65 6735 2802
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3045649, 103.8339296

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Events & Management Services reviews
2023-09-08 Michelle

Events & Management Services did an amazing job planning my wedding. They were very professional and paid attention to every detail. The staff were friendly and helpful throughout the planning process. I highly recommend them!

2023-09-08 David

I had a terrible experience with Events & Management Services. The customer service was awful and the staff were rude. I would not recommend them to anyone.

2023-09-08 Karen

I attended an event planned by Events & Management Services and I was impressed by how well everything was organized. The value for money was excellent and the staff were very helpful. I would definitely use their services for my next event.

2023-09-23 Jonathan

I had a great experience with Events & Management Services. The staff were polite and attentive, and the wait time for the event was minimal. The overall experience was fantastic and I would highly recommend them.

2023-09-28 Sarah

Events & Management Services exceeded my expectations. The initial impression and atmosphere of the event was amazing. The quality of the services provided was top-notch and the decor was beautiful. I would definitely use their services again.

2023-10-03 Michael

I attended an event planned by Events & Management Services and I was not impressed. The ambiance and decor were subpar and the facilities and amenities were lacking. I would not recommend them.

2023-10-08 Jennifer

I had a wonderful experience with Events & Management Services. The staff were friendly and attentive, and the wait time for the event was minimal. The overall experience was great and I would definitely use their services again.

2023-10-13 Daniel

I had a mixed experience with Events & Management Services. The customer service was good, but the value for money was not great. The overall experience was average.

2023-10-18 Emily

I attended an event planned by Events & Management Services and I was blown away. The quality of the products and services provided was exceptional and the ambiance and decor were beautiful. I would highly recommend them.

2023-10-23 Matthew

Events & Management Services did a great job planning my company's annual gala. The staff were professional and the wait time for the event was minimal. The overall experience was fantastic and I would definitely use their services again.

2023-10-28 Olivia

I had a disappointing experience with Events & Management Services. The initial impression and atmosphere of the event were underwhelming and the facilities and amenities were lacking. I would not use their services again.

2023-11-02 Christopher

I attended an event planned by Events & Management Services and I was impressed. The customer service was excellent and the staff were friendly and helpful. The value for money was good and I would recommend them.

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