Enjoy Eating House and Bar

Enjoy Eating House and Bar is close to 28, Stevens Road, Tanglin, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 257878

  • Address: 30 Stevens Rd, #01-07, Singapore 257840
  • Phone: +65 8511 1478
  • Website: enjoyeating.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3137824, 103.828208

Enjoy Eating House and Bar, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 11:30 AM 12 AM
Monday 11:30 AM 12 AM
Tuesday 11:30 AM 12 AM
Wednesday 11:30 AM 12 AM
Thursday 11:30 AM 12 AM for the week
Friday 11:30 AM 12 AM
Saturday 11:30 AM 12 AM
Enjoy Eating House and Bar reviews

Overprice local food. Delicious, yes. But not worth paying so much for. Would definitely deserve more stars if dishes are re-invented or of fusion. Just personal opinion. Fried sotong stood out the most. The rest are pretty much expected. …

Our first time here and we like the selection of food on their menu. They offer interesting and unique dishes. Prices may be on a high side but they are worth paying for. For 2 persons, 2 main dishes are good enough as the portion is of …

Nicely decorated place with oldie atmosphere. Overall food is average or above average. The most likely recommended is the Hokkien mee which comes with big fresh prawns and wok hei. The Chili is also very uniquely good! Other dishes ordered …

2023-08-25 Hui Ling

Overprice local food. Delicious, yes. But not worth paying so much for. Would definitely deserve more stars if dishes are re-invented or of fusion. Just personal opinion. Fried sotong stood out the most. The rest are pretty much expected.

2023-08-25 Wei Wei

Our first time here and we like the selection of food on their menu. They offer interesting and unique dishes. Prices may be on a high side but they are worth paying for. For 2 persons, 2 main dishes are good enough as the portion is of

2023-08-25 Jian Ming

Nicely decorated place with oldie atmosphere. Overall food is average or above average. The most likely recommended is the Hokkien mee which comes with big fresh prawns and wok hei. The Chili is also very uniquely good! Other dishes ordered

2023-09-09 Kai Hui

The food at Enjoy Eating House and Bar was disappointing. It was overpriced and lacked flavor. The only standout dish was the fried sotong. I would not recommend this restaurant to others.

2023-09-14 Xin Yi

I had a great dining experience at Enjoy Eating House and Bar. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was lovely. I especially enjoyed the Hokkien mee and the unique chili. I would highly recommend this restaurant.

2023-09-19 Wei Lin

The food at Enjoy Eating House and Bar was mediocre. The prices were high for what you got and the dishes lacked flavor. The only dish that stood out was the fried sotong. I would not go back to this restaurant.

2023-09-24 Derek

I had a wonderful meal at Enjoy Eating House and Bar. The food was delicious and the portion sizes were generous. I especially enjoyed the Hokkien mee and the unique chili. The prices were a bit high, but I think it was worth it.

2023-09-29 Shu Min

The food at Enjoy Eating House and Bar was disappointing. It was overpriced and the dishes lacked flavor. The only dish that stood out was the fried sotong. I would not recommend this restaurant.

2023-10-04 Wei Jie

I had a great dining experience at Enjoy Eating House and Bar. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was lovely. I especially enjoyed the Hokkien mee and the unique chili. The prices were a bit high, but I would still recommend this restaurant.

2023-10-09 Jia Yi

The food at Enjoy Eating House and Bar was average. It was nothing special and the prices were a bit high. The only dish that stood out was the fried sotong. I would not go back to this restaurant.

2023-10-14 Wei Ting

I had a wonderful dining experience at Enjoy Eating House and Bar. The food was delicious and the portion sizes were generous. I especially enjoyed the Hokkien mee and the unique chili. The prices were on the high side, but I think it was worth it.

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