Emmanuel Church Of Singapore

Emmanuel Church Of Singapore is close to Association Building, 68, Lorong 16 Geylang, Geylang, Southeast, SG-04, 398889

  • Address: #04-03, 68 Lorong 16 Geylang, Singapore 398889
  • Phone: +65 6746 2841
  • Website: ecos.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.310458, 103.8799335

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Emmanuel Church Of Singapore reviews

It is a excellent church ! Very family orientated church. Nice and sincere people. Great Sunday school !

A family oriented church. Warm and friendly people. :)


2023-08-31 Grace

It is a excellent church ! Very family orientated church. Nice and sincere people. Great Sunday school !

2023-08-31 John

A family oriented church. Warm and friendly people.

2023-08-31 Matthew


2023-09-15 Sarah

Very welcoming and inclusive community. The church facilities are well maintained.

2023-09-20 Michelle

Amazing worship and powerful sermons. The church has a strong focus on missions and serving the community.

2023-09-25 Michael

The children's ministry is fantastic. The teachers are dedicated and create a fun and engaging environment for the kids.

2023-09-30 Stephanie

The church leadership is approachable and always willing to listen and support. They truly care about the members.

2023-10-05 Daniel

Emmanuel Church has a vibrant and lively worship service. The music team is talented and leads the congregation in powerful worship.

2023-10-10 Rachel

I've been attending Emmanuel Church for several years and it has truly transformed my life. The preaching is biblically grounded and applicable to everyday life.

2023-10-15 Andrew

The church organizes various events and activities throughout the year, fostering a sense of community among members.

2023-10-20 Emily

Emmanuel Church has a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. It's a place where you can feel connected and find spiritual nourishment.

2023-10-25 Jason

The church facilities are well-maintained and provide a comfortable space for worship and fellowship.

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