EduAce learning place

EduAce learning place is close to 18, Jalan Membina, Bukit Merah, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 164018

  • Address: Jalan membrane, Singapore 164018
  • Phone: +65 9757 5166
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.28568, 103.826718

EduAce learning place, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 9 11 AM for the week
Tuesday 3 9 PM
Wednesday 3 7 PM
Friday 5 9 PM
Saturday 9 11 AM
EduAce learning place reviews
2023-08-28 Melissa

The customer service at EduAce learning place is excellent. The staff are friendly, helpful, and always willing to go the extra mile to assist students. I have never had a bad experience with any of the staff members.

2023-08-28 Wilson

My initial impression of EduAce learning place was very positive. The center is clean, well-maintained, and has a welcoming atmosphere. The staff are professional and the facilities are top-notch.

2023-08-28 Julia

I didn't have to wait long to be served at EduAce learning place. They are always efficient and the wait time is minimal. I also appreciate that they accept reservations, which makes it convenient for busy students.

2023-09-12 Daniel

The value for money at EduAce learning place is great. The fees are reasonable and the quality of education provided is worth every penny. I have seen significant improvement in my child's grades since enrolling in their programs.

2023-09-17 Christine

My personal experience at EduAce learning place has been nothing short of amazing. The tutors are knowledgeable and experienced. They provide individual attention and tailor their teaching methods to suit each student's needs.

2023-09-22 Michael

Overall, my experience at EduAce learning place has been fantastic. The center offers a wide range of educational programs for students of all ages and levels. The staff are dedicated and passionate about helping students succeed.

2023-09-27 Sophia

The facilities at EduAce learning place are modern and well-equipped. They have state-of-the-art classrooms and resources that enhance the learning experience. The center is also conveniently located with ample parking.

2023-10-02 Jason

The ambiance and decor at EduAce learning place are pleasant and conducive to learning. The classrooms are bright, spacious, and comfortable. The walls are adorned with educational posters and materials that create a stimulating environment.

2023-10-07 Emily

The quality of products and services at EduAce learning place is exceptional. The teaching materials and resources are up-to-date and relevant. The tutors are highly qualified and knowledgeable in their respective subjects.

2023-10-12 Jonathan

The customer service at EduAce learning place is top-notch. The staff are friendly, approachable, and always willing to address any concerns or questions. They make you feel valued as a customer.

2023-10-17 Natalie

The initial impression of EduAce learning place was positive. The center is spacious, well-organized, and has a welcoming atmosphere. The staff are friendly and professional.

2023-10-22 Matthew

I didn't have to wait long for my appointment at EduAce learning place. They are efficient and the wait time is minimal. The center also accepts reservations, which is convenient for busy individuals.

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