East Town Gasmart Pte Ltd | Singapore

East Town Gasmart Pte Ltd | Singapore is close to Defu Industrial Estate, Hougang, Northeast, SG-02, 539211

  • Address: 31 Defu Lane 9, Singapore 539271
  • Phone: +65 6283 8588
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3509703, 103.893668

East Town Gasmart Pte Ltd | Singapore, opening hours today

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East Town Gasmart Pte Ltd | Singapore reviews

Not helpful..

2023-08-31 Jasmine

The prices at East Town Gasmart are too high.

2023-08-31 Daniel

I had a really bad experience with East Town Gasmart. The customer service was terrible and the staff were rude.

2023-08-31 Sophia

The quality of the gas products at East Town Gasmart is excellent.

2023-09-15 Ethan

I had to wait a long time to get my gas cylinder refilled at East Town Gasmart.

2023-09-20 Olivia

Overall, my experience at East Town Gasmart was average. Nothing special.

2023-09-25 Aiden

The ambiance and decor at East Town Gasmart is modern and clean.

2023-09-30 Leah

The facilities and amenities at East Town Gasmart are great. They have everything you need.

2023-10-05 Caleb

The staff at East Town Gasmart were very helpful and friendly.

2023-10-10 Isabella

My initial impression of East Town Gasmart was positive. The atmosphere was welcoming.

2023-10-15 William

The value for money at East Town Gasmart is not the best. The prices are too high.

2023-10-20 Sofia

I had to make a reservation at East Town Gasmart and the process was smooth and easy.

2023-10-25 Noah

I had a great overall experience at East Town Gasmart. I would highly recommend it.

How would you rate your experience? East Town Gasmart Pte Ltd | Singapore?
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