Citibank Singapore CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) - Toa Payoh MRT

Citibank Singapore CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) - Toa Payoh MRT is close to Toa Payoh, Lorong 2 Toa Payoh, Braddell, Toa Payoh, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 310175

  • Address: 510 Lor 6 Toa Payoh, SMRT Station, Singapore 319398
  • Phone: +65 6225 5225
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.332592, 103.847554

Citibank Singapore CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) - Toa Payoh MRT, opening hours today

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Citibank Singapore CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) - Toa Payoh MRT reviews
2023-08-30 Angela

I had to wait for a long time before using the ATM. It was quite frustrating.

2023-08-30 Benjamin

The quality of service at this ATM is excellent. The transaction was smooth and hassle-free.

2023-08-30 Catherine

I had a great overall experience using this ATM. The user interface was easy to navigate and the machine was in good condition.

2023-09-14 David

The facilities and amenities at this ATM are basic but sufficient. There is a seating area nearby for customers to wait.

2023-09-19 Emily

The customer service at this ATM is top-notch. The staff were friendly and helpful.

2023-09-24 Frank

The value for money at this ATM is decent. The fees are reasonable and the service is reliable.

2023-09-29 Grace

The ambiance and decor at this ATM are simple and clean. The surrounding area is well-maintained.

2023-10-04 Henry

My initial impression of this ATM was positive. The machine was easy to locate and the instructions were clear.

2023-10-09 Isabelle

The atmosphere at this ATM is calm and quiet. There is not much noise or disturbance.

2023-10-14 Jason

I had to wait for a while before using the ATM, but the staff apologized for the delay and were apologetic.

2023-10-19 Karen

The quality of products/services at this ATM is good. The machine was clean and well-maintained.

2023-10-24 Larry

I had a positive overall experience using this ATM. The process was quick and efficient.

How would you rate your experience? Citibank Singapore CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) - Toa Payoh MRT?
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